Showing posts with label house visits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label house visits. Show all posts

09 May 2013

Day 39: The new job breakthrough

In the previous five post of this blog I wrote about my challenges and resistances in regard to my new job as direct marketer who does house visits and in-home presentations. My mentor supported me with suggestion what is the best approach, what works and what not. Yesterday I printed the teaser cards and today was the first day that I used them. But before I was able to go out, I also needed a system of tracking which apartments I visited, and what were the results of the visit so I would not nock again on the doors of residents who were not interested and that I would be able to visit again those apartments where nobody was home at time of my visits. So I created a table that enables me to track all the necessary data. And for the finish I just had to think out how to create a composite folder that would hold the forms, cards and the table nice and simple which I was then able to construct just fine.

In the afternoon, when people returned from the jobs, I continued to visit the block neighborhood that I engaged a day before yesterday. I managed to collect the first couple of contacts that I will call by phone tomorrow and arrange a date for the presentation. However I realized the neighborhood that I picked was pretty poor and will not be the best target group of people for the product that I am selling. So the next step is to scout the city and find out where the more wealthy people live.

Today after thee hours of nocking on the doors and talking to the people I became very tired. I planned to work for four hours but I was not able do to increasing pain in my shoulders. And I also became sleepy and mentally tired. However after I returned home, I decided to run through the park and city center in order to release the stress. I see that running is a very beneficial exercise for me and that yesterday's exercise also very assisted in releasing tension in my back. So I did the same today and will be doing this every day also to get in the better condition that would enable me to do the job activities effectively.

I also managed today to solve some crucial issues with the suppliers of the basic necessities that threatened me to cancel the agreement and stop the delivery. Those points bothered me very much and I am glad that I was able to come with agreement. I am somehow glad for this experiences of lack of money and not being able to cover all the costs since this gave me the necessary motivation for creating a lifestyle where I would not have to experience this again. I am now raising from the ashes and plan to fly high. The whole day I constantly listen the education material from the prive success club that I am member in order to change my thinking and behavior patterns.

There are some small but powerful things that each must do in order to attract or better say create a big success. One must have a goal, a vison, a chief aim that drives him forward. Without a target you have nothing to aim at and thus nothing changes. And the most important of all is to think about this chief aim all the time, to have it constantly in your mind. One can achieve this by creating a visual accessory that represents this goal and place it on all the places where you will be able to see it all day. So you can place it in the bathroom, in the car, in your wallet. This is a very simple but powerful habit and basically no one use it since it ti so simple. Now it is my turn to discipline myself in making this practice a reality in my life and observe if there will be also a big change in my life due to this tool.

07 May 2013

Day 37: Resistance to the new job finally overcamed

Today in the morning I had a meeting with a new interesting person who is also very in self-research and improvement. Two hours of conversation went by very quickly and I was to face again the next step of my sales activities. I was to restructure the presentation narrative and then also realign the presentation flip-chart graphics which I also did. I took me a lot of decision making how to design all the material for the best impact. In the afternoon when I was to go out and arrange in-house visits, the storm clouds accumulated and rain with thunder stoke from the skies.

At the same time as the storm raged, my mind lost its stability. A slight fear and dizziness appeared in my head and was disappointed due to estimation that I will not be able to execute the visits that I planned. I lied down on the bed and started to think about how long will it take me to even start the new job properly and when I would actually make the first sale. The whole process is takin so long, too long. I started to imagine how I will give myself another day to prepare myself even better for the presentation. I said to myself that tomorrow would be the day. However it turned out different.

After on hour of resting in the bed, my head became stable and the rain stopped. I still had about two or three hours left before in would become too late for the home visits. So I sad to myself that it would be the best to make some visits today and thus brake the ice even if I would achieve best results. Most important is to move forward and to gain as much practice as possible. So I dressed up, packed all the presentation and went on the road.

I targeted a small new neighborhood that I knew from before when I was searching for my own apartment in the town a year ago. I found the blocks very nice and expected a lot of young families to live there which is my target population. I started to ring the bells and made the talks. Many of them, about 70% were not even at home which is a usual percentage. I visited two blocks and then decided to stop for today. I did not manage to do any presentation, however I handed out couple of business cards and couple of people were willing to talk to me if I visit them at some other time which is also cool.

In the evening I had a chat with my mentor who evaluated my approach and corrected me for the better effect in the future. I realized how what I said created resistance in other people and what is best to be said in order to collect as much orders as possible. The main point in pre-presentation talks is not to give to much information, but just a little in order to create curiosity. I also met a girl who I found very attractive and now I am thinking if I should do anything to check if she is available and if I should try to  make a connection or if I should focus on business for now.

Anyway, I made progress and I am satisfied with my achievement. I will now push myself every day a step forward until I became excellent and very successful in sales. It is not just about money, what is cool about direct sales is that one develops communication skills and overcomes many fears and resistances that prevent oneself to fully express itself. Physically moving and making live conversation with others is an effective tool for self-realization. Thus I also suggest others to engage in sales activities and experience all the beneficial effects of direct marketing.