08 April 2011

2011 - Going deeper in my mind-patterns

After my last blog post, where I asked for additional support, I have been given very detailed support that have assisted me a lot in realising my procrastination at going deeper into my mind and releasing my unconscious mind patterns. I have perceived that my process is adequate since I have done all the Desteni I Process assignment in time. I associated it with public schools programs where you pass if you do all the assignment and then get a degree. So I relied on my buddy to direct me and tell me what I need to do, and focusing the rest of my time to promote Desteni and other personal and business stuff. But after others have expressed their perspective that I am not changing, I have started to realise that in eyes of others my process is not adequate at all. They expected me to be more active in effective self-correction and are pushing me into focusing more on my process and slowing down at spreading the Desteni message. They have told me, that Desteni is not about doing certain things in certain way, but changing yourself to what is best for all. So it is not important what I do, but who I am at what I do. I am still trying to live certain personality and present myself to others as some acceptable part of society, while my true self is not changing at all. I was not aware of that and I am thankful for others to expose my self-deception. However I have decided to face myself fully and do what it needs to be done in order to become acceptable part of this reality, in order to become a supporter of all life from the totality of what I consist of.
  1. I forgive myself for allowing myself to think that Desteni I Process is like ordinary school where you receive some knowledge and information and then you are done, instead of realising that the process is about becoming self-directive in changing yourself towards what is best for all and that this process never ends.

  2. I forgive myself for allowing myself to blog and vlog from starting point of presenting others the tools and information about Desteni, instead of using blogs and vlogs to support myself and change myself firstly in order to become valid of presenting Desteni to others.

  3. I forgive myself for allowing myself to hide myself behind computer and use the internet as the game where I play the director and direct others in order to get familiar with Desteni, instead of realising that I in the real world am not yet capable of treating others as one and equal as me, so I need to sort myself out firstly.

  4. I forgive myself for allowing myself to compare my age with age of others and believe that I am more self-realised than people who are younger than me, instead of realising that age is not the valid indicator of the level of self-realisation and that I have due to my past way of life, became trapped in my mind extensively.

  5. I forgive myself for allowing myself to compare the length of my process with the length of others and believing that one automatically gets self-realised in time, instead of realising that time has nothing to do with level of self-realisation and that what counts is only the quantity of effective mind deconstruction that one has walked so far.

  6. I forgive myself for allowing myself that it is not important if I change or not, and that what is best for me to do is only focusing on spreading the Desteni message, instead of realising that Desteni is not about talking the information, but actually becoming the living statement of equality and what is best for all.

  7. I forgive myself for allowing myself to make excuses of what I need to do as priority tasks before I fully start focusing on my process, instead of realising that this is only a deception of the mind, trying to prevent me from facing myself here and now.

  8. I forgive myself for allowing myself to perceive others, especially women from starting point of self-interest, analysing their physical body, their knowledge, ability, financial status and self-realisation level and comparing this qualities to what I have accepted to be as acceptable standards, instead of simply accepting the person without any judgement, as one and equal to me, and living this life by supporting each other equally in every single breath.

  9. I forgive myself for allowing myself to believe that my girlfriend needs to be younger than me, and the fear that others will judge me and point fingers on me, if my girlfriend is older than me, instead of realising that this believe is just a part of social programming that I have been exposed to, that it has nothing to do with practical life, and that the only valid indicator if two are to live together, is the ability to walk and support each other as one and equal.

  10. I forgive myself for allowing myself to want to change others and judging others for not changing themselves, instead of realising that change can not be enforced or taught from point of knowledge and information, so the only way of changing others is by me becoming the living change firstly and teaching others by living the change practically.

2011 - How to give an effective support

Within my Deseni process of self-realization, I have been given different kind of support by different people. As part of Desteni I Process life coaching program, one is firstly introduced with basic principles of self-realization like Self-Honestly, Self-Directive Principle, What Is Best For All, Common Sense, mathematical equation 1+1=2, and basic tools like Breathing, Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application. In next stage of Desteni I Process, one is given more advanced tools, like Mind Constructs and Muscle Communication. And as part of the process, one is requested to have a FaceBook profile, blog and YouTube channel using your real name. The process of blogging and vlogging is a very effective self-supportive tool in order to be able to slow down your thoughts, see your mind-patterns, and remove all your accepted and allowed believes, blames, justifications, projections, manipulations and judgements. These are all the information that, when becoming allowed and accepted into you, prevent you from being able to be here and to accept this reality in every moment of your breath, without triggering any subconscious emotions or feelings.

Within the process, we are supporting each other by following each other's blogs, vlogs, social profiles, forum posts and chats. The ones, who are involved in Desteni I Process, we have our buddies, who are responsible for directing us in order to effectively correct ourselves. When necessary, one is also given a specific support in terms of private videos and direct chats from Bernard, and if one comes to visit Desteni farm in South Africa, one is given even stronger and direct support in order to break as many damaging subconscious patterns as possible. But above all, one is expected to as soon as possible to fully become self-directive in terms what is best for all and to become a constant self-support, since eventually one needs to release dependancy on support from others and unconditionally stand as one and equal to all life.

When receiving support in form of others commenting my blogs posts and blogs, I have appreciated some support as valid and very supportive, and I have experienced some support as not valid an not useful at all. Some have started to comment as soon as they started the process and were not familiar with terminology and had not yet reached sufficient level of self-realisation on order to become a valid supporter, and have just tried to fit into Desteni and become accepted. I was one of them, so I then slowed down with commenting and started to focus more on my own process. Then I have also received a support from Destonians who were in process for many years, and perceived themselves as the ones who walk the talk and are unchallenged authority. They have expressed their perspective about how they perceive me and tried to expose me as someone with agendas of self-interest and not valid to be a member of Desteni group.

I have followed the process of those people throughout past year period and have noticed, that they follow their established patterns of communication and that they do not change. These are Destonians who want to be perfect, just, valid, and protectors of Desteni and all what Desteni stands for. They are producing large quantity of blogs and blogs and are active on formus and do extensive commenting. However in spite of what they are writing and saying, with extensive integration of Desteni vocabulary, I have perceived their support as not valid or effective. I see them as extensively integrating Desteni knowledge and information in their minds, but not actually realised it and integrated it into the physical. I see those people as ones who allow themselves to follow someone's process, and then emotionally react on specific words and information that they stumble upon.

These reactions are very subtle, and are related to unconscious mind patterns of wanting to be perfect, self-judgement and wanting to be a part of the group. These people thus make a great effort to present themselves in the group as valid participants by commenting and reporting others to the leaders of the group in order to impress them. They hold onto very highs standards of self-perfection and are thus very judgmental towards others. Their support is thus from an unconscious starting point of blame and criticism, without they realising this fact for themselves. They perceive their support as valid, and became in time very impatient and angry due to perception that one that they have given the support to does not want to change, instead of realising that they themselves are the one who need to change.

One needs to realise, that you are not able to see one who he really is as totality without firstly totally realising yourself. While you are in the process, you can only perceive others from the perspective of your current level of self-realisation. Thus, those that claim themselves to see others as what they really are, while they are still waking the process, is a clear self-deception. You can try to see others, but in the moment when you try to judge others and claim righteousness, you have in fact fallen. From the perspective of totality of existence, the truth is that no one is completely realised until every single being in existence has become self-realised, and this is what in fact means that we are all equal end one.

So if you want to give the support to others in order to speed-up their process of self-realisation, you have to firstly become one and equal with that person and give support as you would like to receive it if you were in that person's shoes. That means that you have to grasp this person as totality of what he has accepted and became and give the support in a way that he will be capable of accepting and integrating it and to functionally increase his level of self-realisation. So understand that if you give support to someone and this person did not change, this is in fact the indicator that you support was not valid, that you have not became one and equal with this person before giving him the support, that you have supported him from starting point of being someone more, using only knowledge and information, thus you need to take you responsibility, forgive and correct yourself.

This goes for all that have been in the Desteni process for many years, including the ones who have established themselves as leaders. So it is a great art to support others effectively and not allowing yourself and kind of subtle projected impatience, blame or judgement. So let the level of change at people who you have supported to be the indicator of the effectiveness of your support. Do not try to project your failure onto others, but correct your approach and walk the process with others as one and equal.

04 April 2011

2011 - Backchat 24. March 2011

This is the example of writing out the back-chat, which are voices or thoughts in ones head, as support to stop the constant uncontrolled self-chat that distracts us from what is really here. The text will be used to develop the Back-Chat phase of Desteni I Process, it has been checked by my buddy and suggested to be published on Demonology web site and here in my blog as support for others.

I see that it is almost two weeks after I returned from Desteni farm, and I have not uploaded any vlog. I think: “What will Bernard think of me? Will he become angry with me? Will he start to disregard me? Will he ban me? Will he think that I am a lost case?” I do not want to make any moves that will result in banning me from Desteni. My intentions of bringing a better world are serious and I see Desteni as organization that has the best practical solutions for making this true, so I would like to stay at Desteni for good.

I feel to have so less capacity at participating in the process, comparing to others. I see how many blog posts and vlogs do other Destonians produce daily, and I am afraid that others would think that I am lazy, that I do nothing, that I do not participate in the process. There is resistance for doing mind constructs and self-forgiveness, but it is not about the process itself. I am willing to do self-forgiveness all day long, but there are so many other things to do.

I see that today is 24. March. I have checked the mail and I see that we are suppose to do and send mind construct and self-forgiveness for the second influential person by 21. March, so I am already three days behind. What will Andrea think of me? Why did she not send me a remainder already? Does she trust me? Did she check the muscle communication and established that it is not necessary to send me a reminder? Or did she forget since she is busy preparing the backchat course. But I see that 28. March is the deadline for this assignment to be done, so there is still four days left.

I procrastinated at doing the memories until yesterday, when I decided to write memories the whole day. I went out in the forest and took the laptop with me. I wanted to test out if I can slow time down by my physical movement, because when I am at home, time goes by so quick. I remember Bernard telling me, while I was on the farm, something about time. Like that time on the farm is moving slowly. So how does he do that? What is time anyway? How come that we perceive time sometimes to pass slowly and sometimes faster? Is this really valid? Does one really do much more work if you have the perception of time moving slowly? Or is this only the perception? Common sense would say that one could do the same amount of work, regardless of the perception of time moving slowly or faster.

What to do next? I decided to continue with self-forgiveness and self-corrective statements today, since I want to finish assignment in time. Yesterday I tested if writing mind constructs in nature would be easier. I imagined how the environment in the woods would inspire me to write more, but when I arrived there, I did not feel any difference. I still experienced the same pain on my butt after sitting on the floor for some time. This damn gravity! I want to focus on writing and finish assignment, but this damn pain is distracting my attention. But I guess this is the part of this reality. When writing, I am in my mind, I disregard the physical, but the physical needs to move constantly, otherwise the gravity destroys the physical.

This reminds me on cats, especially cats on Desteni farm, specifically the white and black cat, which can express it so extensively. Well cats are different. They have the fur and are thus protected from elements, they are smaller and can move quicker, jump, go through holes, windows, and elsewhere. Humans are much bigger. We also feed cats, but we need to feed ourselves. No one is preparing food for us. And we are not able to catch and eat raw food, like cats for example who can catch birds and mouse and eat them. We need to grow and prepare food, and that needs a lot of land, planning, storing, cooking, and washing dishes. Man are we humans complicated. I wish I would be a cat. So nice life they have. They just enjoy themselves, sleep, eat, walk around and let humans to caress them. But I can do nothing about it. I am as human now and I need to accept this.

Do cats think? How can they think if they do not use words to communicate? Bernard told me, that all living being have now the same structure of the mind. Previously animals had collective souls and only humans had individual souls, but now even plants are suppose to have the same mind-consciousness system. But what does this mean? Do now even plants think? How is that possible? I feel so baffled about this. And then there is this self-responsibility point and awareness and unconscious mind. What is awareness anyway? What makes you be aware, what is to be awake and what is to sleep? What is reality? Bernard says that the physical is reality. But what is the physical? Is the physical still real when you sleep? Where do you go when you sleep? I mean, how can you define what is real, if the physical can only exist in relation to human physical body senses?

And what are the resonances, what are the dimensions? Are dimensions real or not? Are dimensions parts of the physical or not? If we are here as the physical real, are then dimensions not real, since they are not here as the physical, and we cannot see or hear them? I real is only what you can touch, smell, see, then the dimensions are not real! What is the difference between the mind fantasy and the dimensions? What if dimensions is in fact the mind? What is difference between the mind and dimensions? What is heaven? Does heaven still exist? How is it possible that dimensions have been cleared? Too many questions. There are answers, but what does these answers mean for living here practically in the physical.

I have met some interesting people online. Some girl who Sunette recommended to ask her for a friendship on FaceBook. She is from Slovenia and had a lot of Destonian friends. She looks very attractive to me, the girl of my dreams. Cute face, long blond hair, the dream come true. So I immediately wrote her. I want to know her, ask her to be my partner, marry her, have kids, live happily forever after, you know, the usual stuff, lol. But how she responded surprised me beyond my imagination. She said that she is part of the group who observe Desteni Slovenia group from the beginning, but they did not want to join since they saw that we are fighting for leadership position and do not advance in our process.

They have some kid, about 14 years old who can see auras. He checked auras of all of us, and saw that Sunette does not have any aura, the same as he, of course. He saw that I am making progress, and that visit to the Desteni farm resulted me in loosing aura in the middle of my spine. I became baffled and surprised about this phenomena. They invited me to meet them this Saturday in Ljubljana. They will share their perspective and tools that they use for their own process. I wanted to get together with this girl alone, but she said that they are working as a group and that it is best to meet the whole group, about five of them. This will be very exciting.

And I also met some new girl, who asked me for a friendship on the FaceBook. She said that I have made my appearance everywhere she looked on the FaceBook, and that she had to contact me. We met in person a few days ago. She sent me some picture via mail before, and she was tall, slim, and I replied her that she is quite cute. But when I saw her in person, the first thought that crossed my mind was: “She is ugly.” I mean WTF! Who triggered this reaction. The fucking mind-consciousness system! She had some spot on the face, slim teethe, she smokes and thus her breath was disgusting to me. But she was very advanced in her process, emotionally stable, became very excited about Desteni, and we connected very well. We also had online chat and we discussed the possibility of getting together, what would be the result of our synergy.

But I would prefer the blond girl. Even if she saves her hair eventually, she is so much cuter. I mean, she is even deep in her process, and understands all about Desteni clearly. But what is relationship anyway. Sex is such a small part of life. The primary goal is now for all of us to collaborate and establish the equality system. And then only will we be able to enjoy heaven on earth. Right? Or do we enjoy ourselves already now? Do we allow ourselves to waste time for pleasure while millions suffer pain and starve to death? Or not?

01 April 2011

2011 - How disaster in Japan influenced me

When earthquake hit Japan a few weeks ago, a lot of production facilities were destroyed, and also the nuclear reactor got damaged extensively. A radioactive dust has escaped in the air and a few days ago, some sources reported that radioactive cloud is about to cross Slovenia country in Europe, and it was advised to stay inside the houses, wash clothes after you return from walking outside, and avoid eating vegetables from local area that were freshly picked.

Today I went to photo store to buy some photo accessories that I needed for to execute some ordered photo project, and I wanted to buy a studio flash units. The guy at the store told me, that there is a new model of flash, but it will be available not until fall. This is so because the flash factory that is located in Italy is using imported parts of electronic from Japan and they are now having troubles delivering the parts due to earthquake. The only option for me to get the flash units was to order the old model and in would be delivered in period of one week.

So this are just a few examples how events from another side of this planet influenced me. These are just a few examples of how we are all globally connected and interdependent, which makes us all equally responsible for everything that is going on in this world. The point here is that production of certain goods has become so narrowly localized, that some goods are produced only in few regions in this world, and if something happens in that region, we all get screwed. So why is this so, and how can we change this to enable better safety and independence from disasters around the world?

Currently every single decision in this world is influenced by money. So for example the nuclear power plant was build since the nuclear energy was cheaper, and it was build in the area which is known to be very earthquake active and in was thus deliberate decision to endanger the people only because of the profit. And the power plant was not build in in the way to withstand earthquakes in order so save money, so it collapsed when the force of nature stroke. The electronic parts of the studio flash head were also produce in Japan due to cheap labour force there, and transported all over the oceans only because of money. 

Since current money system drives us all towards stupid decision that eventually harm others and bring a lot of problems, like long delivery dates and pollution due to long transport routes, we need to stop this madness. And this is the reason why Desteni developed a solution of Equal Money System that will stop our unreasonable actions due to greed and profit. When Equal Money will be introduces, production facilities will be equally distributed all over the world in order to shorten the distribution routes. And the ways of producing energy will be picked based on the nature of the environment in each part of world, so it will create as little damaging impact on environment as possible and protect all living being equally. So support the peaceful democratic political introduction of Equal Money System as the necessary healing correction of our current global economic system.

30 March 2011

2011 - Walking process alone vs. walking in the group

There are many ways of self-realization in this world. We all experience many things in daily life which assist us at realization how we function and how this world functions. We act and we see the results of our action. The speed of self-realization process depends of how one is dedicated to research the depths of self and world system. Throughout history there have been some people that reached very high level of self-realization and there are also some in the current time period. Each one had different background, unique experiences and environment that enabled him high speed of understanding which action leads to which consequence. But why were there only so little self-realized people, and why were they not able to influence the world in the way to stop the violence and destruction of fellow beings and this planet?

We all know the story of some guy by name Jesus Christ, who brought the suggestion of doing onto other what you would like others to do onto you, of loving your neighbor as thyself, but why is this message still not lived practically in this world? He was not aware of complete design of human mind and what is need to fee yourself from influence of unconscious thoughts, and his message has been used and abused in order for some individuals to gain great wealth and high social position, while totally ignoring the practical living of what Jesus has taught. The whole religious system, with new age spirituality has become nothing but a bunch of beautiful words, nice emotional feelings, expectations of some magical savior and beliefs about perfect life after death. It is basically not supporting the individual to gain self-realization, but offers only promises of enlightenment and ascension, while in facts contributes for individual to become more and more trapped in the mind.

After 10 years of research and experience of world religions and other paths of self-realization, I have not been able to find any group or source of information that would honestly and in detail provide information about why is the world the way it is, how have I become the way I am, and what is the solution for all to live in harmony on this magnificent planet, until one and half year ago, when I met Desteni. It is the collection of information and tools where I have experience the absolute level of honesty and functionality to remove everything that has been eating me from within, and is also contains the solution to fix the world economic system that is driving us towards destruction of living beings and resources. The tools of Desteni have helped me to become more emotional stable and aware of what is really here in every moment of my breath. It also supported me to realize the big picture and how I am equally responsible for everything that is going on in this world. Desteni learned on mistakes of self-realized beings in the past and is making sure to improve the approach in order to guarantee the success.

Ok so you might now say: “Cool, I am happy for you, but I decided to walk my process on my own. The path of self-realization is not important, since eventually we will all get to the finish.” Well, really? All you have is this life, this physical body that will be no more when you die. How do you know with certainty what will happen to you at the time of death? Will you be able to reincarnate and continue with you process of self-realization in your next life? Will you not forget the same way as you did when you were born in this body? So better than guessing is to walk this life with the maximum effect and use the most effective tools. Thus I suggest you to research Desteni and experience the effectiveness of its tools that you will receive throughout the Desteni I Process life-coaching program. And even if you walk your own path and become self-realized, enlightened, what then?

Understand that we are all one and that no one can become self-realized until we are all self-realized. Each of us is a part of existence, and each of us is co-creating this existence. So you will not be able to live here and enjoy yourself until beings will exist that will want to harm you or exploit you. Heaven on earth can be practically manifested only if we support and respect each other equally. So when you become self-realized, you will not be able to bear the view on fellow being who suffer. You will try to help them in order for them also to become self-realized. And this is exactly the reason why Desteni was established. You as individual do not have any significant power to change this world. Only if you connect with people who have the same goal and all walk as one, then there is a chance of success. So of you are serious at changing the world, the best way to do that is to join the group of Destonians, who are people from all over the world who walk as based on the principle of what is best for all, common sense and mathematical equation 1+1=2. Support you self-realization by walking the Desteni I Process and support the peaceful political democratic introduction of Equal Money System that represents the first step of providing dignified life for all living beings on this planet. Join us. Together we can do it!

29 March 2011

2011 - Landmark Education / Forum - a Destonian perspective

In my previous blog I have described how I have been introduced with the information about Landmark Forum, which is a flagship course from Landmark Education global company. While we were waiting for Zeitgeist meeting to start on past Saturday, I noticed one girl at the bar of tea shop and asked her if she is also waiting for the start of the Zeitgeist meeting. She answered that she is preparing herself to give a three hour basic presentation of Landmark Forum to couple of people in the next room. I asked her if she can shortly describe what the course is about and she described it as life coaching program to free yourself from limitations of the mind and to transform and gain control of your life. I told her that I am involved in the course with similar effect and that I would like to know more about Landmark Forum. She offered to give our group a basic presentation in the following days, and I gave her my leaflet with information about Desteni, to check out what Desteni I Process is about and share her perspective about differences between both courses.

Later after Zeitgeist meeting started, one of participants shared that he also passed the Landmark Forum course and that he benefited greatly. I started to read his blog one year ago and firstly had impression that he started blogging as part of Desteni course, but after I commented and shared my perspective about what is emotional energy and the difference between life and energy, he told me to stop commenting, since he writes his blog to express his own opinions and is not interested in Desteni. Now he came to Zeitgeist meeting and was the most influential talker, since he talked all the time and the words were flowing from his mouth fluidly and constantly. He perceived himself as free from the mind, and spoke about how he can go within in the space, where he is able to feel connected with everything, where he can experience oneness.

Yesterday I decided to check the Landmark Forum by myself and found their web site on the internet. I watched the introduction videos and read the description of the course. Video clip of one lecture for example share the story about someone who stumbled upon the group of people who were doing stone work. After he asked some depressed guys what they were doing, they answered: "We are chipping stones". And then he asked some guy who was very cheerful the same question and got the answer: "I am building a cathedral". This was to be an example of how our happiness is not based of what we physically do in this world, but is linked to our ability of seeing the different context of what we are doing. So we are suppose to be able to live happily in every moment simply by changing the definition of what we are doing to fit some acceptable context.

Now one has to understand that there are many ways of becoming successful and happy. Books like The Secret explain some concepts, and the world is full of courses that explain how this world system works and how everyone can earn a lot of money and fulfill its desires by following certain rules. Also the whole new age spiritual movement is based on creating a happy and successful person, together with all religions, gurus, enlightened and ascended masters, angels and love and light message. It is all about building a consciousness where you create yourself a world of bliss and nice feeling as the ultimate goal that one can achieve. The message is that you do not need to care about others, that you are responsible only for yourself and that you only need to enjoy and allow others who suffer enough time for them to eventually come to the same ultimate realization.

However in spite of the cool looks of this types of solutions, they are in fact the ultimate deceptions. None of this paths is able to bring the awareness of how the reality operates and that we are all equally responsible for everything that we accept and allow in every single moment. The mind is a smokescreen where you are able to sell you self-responsibility and receive the energy of good feelings in return. In represent the tool of separation where you are able to live in you separate self-created reality and become the god in your imaginary existence. It gives you the impression of success, while in reality you are destroying your true physical self and this physical world that is the only true and universal reality. This is why in spite of all numerous spiritual teachings and self-empowerment programs, the level of poverty and physical violence is increasing and the whole world is being destroyed with the speed as never before.

I have met a guy recently with son who can in fact see auras. There is much deception about what aura is and most of devices that can read your aura is deception. While spirituality is defining the aura as emanation of life-force energy, is is in fact the emanation of mind-consciousness system. The mind is a trap, and the one with the most intensive aura is in not enlightened and freed, but trapped in the most subtle and invisible jail ever conceived. They have also researched the effect of the Landmark Forum course and concluded that it is the way of programming you in order to stay trapped in the mind for good. You become a better abuser and self-deceiver, receive a big rewards from the world economic system, while at the same time you allow others to have less and less, until they eventually die from hunger.

So I warn you to go away from all kind of self-empowerment programs, that do not care about all the living beings in this world. You will eventually not be able to live with yourself if you allow anyone in existence to have too little, while you have too much. Research the Desteni I Process life coaching program that is the only education in this world that cares about what is best for all. You will find out about actual blueprint of the mind and receive the effective functional tools to discover and remove all the accepted and allowed definitions, believes and ideals that separate us from each other. Desteni is the only organization that came up with the solution to fix also our greedy economic system with suggestion of Equal Money System. So if you are serious about bringing a better world, research the Desteni solutions, stand up for life as one and equal, begin true activism by blogging and vlogging and thus becoming the real change that you have been waiting for.

27 March 2011

2011 - Group of Slovenian people with a kid who can see aura

Yesterday was extremely fascinating day with two very interesting meetings. I departure from my home at 7:30 and at 7:50 picked up a new female friend at Kranj city. We then continued highway to the second largest Slovenian city Maribor, where there was suppose to star a meeting of Zeitgeist Slovenia group at 10:00 at Adam & Eve healing tea shop. One day back I also sent the invitation to all active members of Desteni Slovenia, since most of them live in or near Maribor city. I suggested for us to have the meeting at the same place at 12:00, since they wanted to hear my story about holidays at Desteni farm, but Blaž replied that he would also like to come to Zeitgeist meeting. We arrived a bit early, around 9:40, so I called Blaž if he needs any assistance to find the place. He said that there is no need, and that Vitan will pick him up, and that also Barbara and Ajda will come. So the time was 10:00, there was six of us there and one guy, who wanted to meet the Zeitgeist people for the first time, but no one from Zeitgeist leader came, thus we decided to start a chat.

At about 10:30 three guys from Zeitgeist arrived, and I already knew one of them. His name was Andrej, he is also from Kranj, the student of medicine, and his whole family is also involved in medicine. I introduced him with Desteni one year ago, he also writes a blog, but did not want to align his process with Desteni terminology. Since he was familiar with Desteni approach, he suggested a discussion where we would share our realization to contribute towards some solution for this world. Since there was also some girl in the tea shop, who prepared the presentation of the Landmark Forum education, he explained that he also greatly benefited from this education and that it assisted him to completely free himself from the mind. We discussed his perception, trying to establish if that was the fact, but due different terminology, that was not very easy. So we rather focused of developing the Zeitgeist project and how to include Desteni solutions. One of Zeitgeist members suggested the screening of Zeitgeist movie in the schools as the powerful presentation of world problems, and in the second part, Desteni I Process and Equal Money System would be presented as practical solution to fix those problems.

I had a next meeting at capital city Ljubljana at 16:00, and also Blaž and Barbara wanted to join, so we departure from Maribor at 14:00. In Ljubljana we met a group of new people and they invited us to have a peaceful chat in small gym of local elementary school, since they are having occasional recreation there. They were about 30 to 40 years old, one girl and three guys. I befriended girl Urša on the FaceBook a week ago, based on suggestion from Sunette. I noticed that she had a lot of Destonian friends already, and I became very excited about new Destonian from Slovenia. But when I send her a welcome message, she told me that she is part of the group who follow the Desteni Slovenia group from beginning, but they are walking the process on their own. She told me, that they are having a boy who is able to see aura, and that this is a reference point for them to get a feedback if they are successful in their process.

The oldest guy among them is also a leader and is supporting them occasionally with deliberate anger to shake them, similar to Bernard. The child that can se aura is in fact his son, that is now about 14 years old. He was a gym coach, and after he divorced, the aura of his son cracked and disappeared due to immense shock and thus he became able to see the aura of living beings and also objects. He then started to report his father that we are all robots, so basically he was able to see all the systems. Together they started to research and test what is the meaning of colors in the aura and what aura is. The son did not agree with the new age picture presentation and explanations of the meaning of chakras, positioned vertically and colored from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and white as the path to ascension. Thus they developed a symbolic horizontal chart of characters of people, each one equal, but with different characteristics or nature, based on the color of their aura.

For example he explained that black aura is typical for the people who suck energy from others like vampires, and that a lot of those are among school teachers, so they come to school basically to drain children from their life energy. The orange color is typical for the women, who want to attract males with their physical appearance, so basically the whores. The green aura is typical for the people who doe not have a clue, what is going on, like a grown up version of children. Blue aura is typical for politicians and company leaders, who exploit others for their own benefit. The red aura is indication of awareness, where you become angry about the corrupt system. The white aura is typical for the ones who meditate and gurus, but this stage is very delicate, since you can get trapped in the mind. The final step is transparent aura or no aura.

They have checked thousands of people in this world, from politicians, gurus, and discovered that many are fakers and that most of religions and groups exist not for benefit of all, but only for personal and financial benefit of the leaders. Few years ago someone forwarded them a YouTube video with Sunette. When the son saw the video, he freaked out and screamed that this girl is dead! When father asked him, he explained that her aura is transparent, the same as the ghosts of dead people who visit him at night. But after his father explained that this girl is still alive, the son said that she is speaking pure truth on the videos. So this made them become interested in Desteni as the only point discovered, worth of trust in this world. And the other guy who does not have any aura is Michael Tsarion and they gave me the DVD of his movie titled The Architects Of Control that reveals the secret mass manipulation of the human mind.

But this meeting was also to give me the feedback. They showed me the printed photos from my FaceBook profile from different time periods. On the videos that I made one year ago, my aura was blue, this means that I was not living the words that I was talking. At the time before my visit to farm Desteni, my aura has been the color of red, and after I returned from the farm, already the half of my aura was missing. This is how they proved themselves that the Desteni tools of self-realization actually have effect, and that visit to the farm was also very beneficial for me. So the tools of self-forgiveness and self-corrective application are the main difference that will able to bring a great change to the masses.

The father however does not use the tool of self-forgiveness, since he is able to correct himself in a breath. This is due his extensive training in sports, where he used the tool of breathing to decrease his pulse. After he watched the Desteni video Self-Forgiveness as life, he immediately start to apply it. So when a point comes up, he skips the self-forgiveness and immediately utilizes self-corrective application. And he does that without the need of writing.

But what shocked the father later was discovering of fact, that his son is lying to him. Currently his son is in puberty and he became interested in girls. Father heard from someone that his son was in certain company in the city, but when the son returned home, and father asked him if he was with specific person, he denied. Since father knew that his son with transparent aura is lying to him, he went ballistic, and his son ran away and changed aura to red, as it should be. The son knew somehow how to remove all the colors of his aura in a kind of mechanic way, so it was not really valid. The son thus now decided to walk the process the way it should be, from the point of his true current realization.

What is interesting is the fact that loosing aura in not in fact the ultimate enlightenment. Aura represents only the conscious level of the mind. Father noticed that even after loosing the aura, he still emotionally reacted in some occasions, thus no aura is not the final thing. After loosing aura, there is the process of removing also the subconscious and unconscious level of the mind. This is why the process takes about 7 to 20 years, as predicted by Desteni. And then we also need to change the world economic system, with the introduction of Equal Money System. A long way is ahead of us, so let as many people as possible join Desteni and benefit from Desteni I Process which is definitely the most effective program for self-realization currently in the whole planet, now cross referenced also with help of boy from Slovenia who can really see the true auras of being and objects.