Showing posts with label heaven on earth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heaven on earth. Show all posts

27 November 2011

2011 - Isn't Equal Money System the death of individualism?

At Desteni we propose the Equal Money System as the way towards equality and providing dignified life for all living beings. Some ask themselves if equality means death of individualism, some sort of death through the sameness?

When you consider individuality, you must firstly observe if you are free as individual in this current world system. You may say that you are free, that you have a freedom to choose, but if you investigate carefully, you will come to an conclusion that every single decision that you make in subconsciously influenced by the fears, mostly by the fear of money lost. Money has become something that you can not live without, to currently you in fact can not execute your individual freedoms. All laws are made in order to keep current system in place and you have to do what the system says in order to receive enough money to survive.

In the Equal Money System you will be practically provided with everything you need and thus fear of money loss and consequently fear of survival will be removed. In the EMS you will not loose your individuality, in the contrary, you will be for the first time be allowed to express yourself as individual living being. So the word Equality in the EMS does not refer to become equal in terms of personality or expression, but in terms of having equal right and opportunities guaranteed.

17 November 2011

2011 - What if I don't want to work for 4 years in EMS?

In the current money system you have to work for about 60 years in order to become qualified for retirement and to receive residual monthly income until you die. And for many people the amount of money that they receive after becoming retired is not enough to cover all basic needs. But even if they receive enough money, majority of people die in 2-3 year after becoming retired due to feeling of isolation and not being useful anymore.

At Desteni we are suggesting an Equal Money System where you will be obligated to work for only 4 years and then the system will provide you with all the things that you need until you die. This is possible because in current system which is based on debt, profit and scarcity, the products are made to break fast, thus it is estimated that up to 90% of all natural resources, energy and time consumption is due to need of perpetuating consumerism. In the EMS the products will be made to last long, there will be no competition, and you will need to work for only 4 years in order to keep the system functional.

Some might now ask: "What if I don't want to work for 4 years?. Well, this question might come up due to associating the world "work" with what work represents in the current economic system. Now you do not have much choice about what you can do in order to provide yourself enough income for living, thus many are forced to have jobs that surpress them and create a lot of stress. Now you go for work due to fear of loosing money, but in an Equal Money System, this fear will be removed, and no one will force you to do anything that is harmful to your mental or physical health.

So expect the jobs in the EMS to be something that will give you great pleasure and you will be glad to work and contribute to the system that will provide a dignified life for all humans, animals and plants in this planet. But since this kind of system can work only if we all work it, there will be no tolerance for those who want to abuse or do nothing to support others. They will be isolated and removed from the system support in order to experience the consequences of their pure self-interest. This is true karma in immediate action where you will receive the same as you give. In time everyone will realize that we are all part of the same existence and that supporting others is necessary in order for you to also be properly supported.

14 November 2011

2011 - What can I do to support the Equal Money System?

So you became aware of the existence of the global political agenda of an Equal Money System that will guarantee a dignified life for all living beings on this world. So what now -- what can you do to support the EMS?

Well, firstly you are invited to dig deep and find all about what EMS is and what is not. Go to the official web site of the Equal Money System which is > and then read all about it. You are welcome also to get you copy of the first Equal Money Book. Then got to the YouTube and search for the Equal Money System videos. A lot about EMS is also written in the Destonian Wiki. After you have gained a pretty clear picture of what EMS is, they go to the Equal Money forum, register, research the topics discussed so far and then ask whatever you are not yet clear about.

After you finished with research on EMS, you are qualified to spread the word about it to as many people as possible. You can do this by putting the official EMS PicBadge on you FaceBook profile picture. There is also many EMS FaceBook groups and pages that you can join. Share the link to EMS web site on you FaceBook profile, e-mail your friends, and speak about EMS to everyone you meet. Invite them to do the same research that you have done in order for everyone to understand that Equal Money System is the ultimate solution that will fix the problems in this world in shortest time possible. You are welcome also to get yourself a EMS supportive wearables like t-shirts, caps, bags, sticker and similar from the Equality Store >

If you want to fully support the solution of EMS, then you can also start blogging and vlogging about it, donate money to the Equal Life Foundation and let you creativity go wild about the ways of how you can support and share the EMS message. But wait, you can then go even further. In time you will realize that just sharing the message is not enough. Yes, the Equal Money System is the political solution, but it needs to be understood and supported by majority of the people for what it truly is. It is not just about convincing people using beautiful words and getting them to become positively emotional about the EMS. Equal Money is not just another political party or opposition, it is about understanding that we are all part of the same existence and that we can live here and be fully supported from birth to death only if we remove all that separate us from one another and blind us from understanding how we created this reality.

And this is why everyone will also have to transform what is deep inside us. I am here referring to thoughts and emotions which is all the energy of the mind. EMS is the vision of the new world, but in order to make this vision true, we all need to change our patterns of thinking and acting. See, you can not expect to change the output if you do not change the input. So part of the Equal Money System is also the education where you are introduced with knowledge and information about how you mind works and how you can become aware about all your subconscious and unconscious patterns and how to remove those that are the points of separation and conflict by applying simple tools of Breath, Self-Honesty, Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application. There is a lot of free information and forum on Desteni web site, and if you want to go hard-core, then you are invited to join the Desteni I Process self-realisation and leadership development course at > where you will be systematically guided and supported by personal mentor in order to go all the way, deep into the "rabit hole".

Think this is all you can do? Wrong! There is much, much more than you can imagine. Yes, you can go even more crazy about it. You can start studying psychology or political sciences and become well educated about how current system works. See, it will take many dedicated and trustworthy people who will go to politics and push the Equal Money System agenda towards full execution. Thus making Equal Money System a reality can become your full occupation. There is a lot of work that needs to be done before we stop destruction of this planet and create something similar to Heaven on Earth. Many details need to be discussed, billions of people to get educated and huge amounts of laws to be changed. It will take at least 10 to 20 years to start with major changes and several generations to put all necessary points into place. So let's roll, let's do it here and now! We can do it, all the support is available, it needs only the rest to join and become one with life, with the principle of equality and start doing what is best for all.

25 October 2011

2011 - What about families in an equal money system?

In the current family system all the power has the one who earns most of money, and this is usually the male. Since children have no direct financial income, they are dependent on their parents. Children thus need to obey parents in order to survive and receive from them everything they need. Kids also have to accept the belief system of the parents in order not be in conflict with the parents regarding any opinion. Parents are also physically larger and much stronger than children so they also use physical force to shape children as they choose to. Grownups in this era, since they have to work many hours per day in order to earn enough money to support their families, have also very little time and patience to raise children properly. They use quick fixes, allow hyperactive children to get drugged and sedated instead of changing the way of living so that children would develop physically and mentally properly.

Current economic system puts a lot of pressure onto each member of society so that everyone is rushing and competing to become a winner and get the money. Children grow up in isolation and violent conditions of home, lacking social contacts with other humans, animals and plants, and becoming not much more than a living dead. Life in kids is suppressed, joy of living annihilated, and many commit suicide. This is the way our current society exists. Human is raised up as destroyer of all life, as separate from fellow living beings and perceives to be some more important form of life than other species. We have managed to walk on the moon, but we are incapable of walking in the shoes of those who suffer here on earth. What is the point of discovering other planets if we bring destruction everywhere we put our foot? This must stop, this must end.

As the solution to all this problems, we propose an Equal Money System that will guarantee dignified life for all. No abuse will be allowed, not even behind the walls of the private apartments. Each family generation living as separate is not natural. Native tribes know it much better and children are raised by all generations and many people of all ages so that every child develops a respectful social attitude towards all. They are also surrounded with many animals and plants and thus understand that we are all interdependent and interconnected. Not as the so called civilise people who poison and trash ground, rivers, seas and air in order to enjoy the good feelings. Equal Money will stop the cause for greed and profit, and natural balance will be restored. Every kid will receive the best education, regardless which part of the world will be born into. Everyone will receive enough money for dignified life from birth to death. No human, animal and plant will starve anymore. And instead of separate and isolate family constructs, we will become one big global family, respecting and supporting each other equally. So let's do it, let's make this world as soon as possible the best place for all.

27 August 2011

2011 - Robin Hood Tax

Recently I stumbled upon Robin Hood Tax FaceBook group that then brought me to Robin Hood Tax web site. I watched the introduction movie that explains what Robin Hood Tax is about and found out that it is about taxing the banks or the financial sector in order to raise hundreds of billions every year globally. It is suppose to give a vital boost to the public health services, education system, reduce the child poverty and deal with climate change around the world.

The web site is extremely well designed and video material is professional production class. The solution is great since it is a peaceful political idea and a welcome alternative to violent revolutionary appeals that had very increased in its frequency recently. It associates the legendary story of Robin Hood, who in medieval times was stealing from the lords in order to give back to the poor people. However, similar to Robin Hood who was not able to change the system, the Robin Hood Tax is also lacking the perspective of the big picture of all the systems in this world, and it has no power for any lasting change. It is in fact a form of charity that only alleviates the consequences, without dealing with the core cause of the problems.

The fact is, that no minor change and alignment of the current money systems is sufficient to solve the current problems in this world. It is the money system in its totality that needs to be changed in order for every living being to be properly be taken care of equally. The whole mentality and value system that human race has accepted and allowed has to change in order to break free from the inherited evil. It is everyone of us who needs to firstly remove all our mind and behavior patterns that are points of self-interest and separation from others. And then we need to change the laws in order to share all resources on this planet equally, not only among humans, but to consider also plants and animals as equal living beings.

Desteni came with a solution of an Equal Money System that deals with all necessary points in order to change ourself within and to change the outer system in order for all to start living a dignified life. Everyone is invited to research the articles on the Equal Money System web site, participate on the forum, and subscribe for the notification about the release of the first book from the Equal Money book series that will describe all the details of how will Equal Money System function. All are welcome to join us and become One Vote for World Equality and an Equal Money System!

25 May 2011

2011 - I finally moved to our capital city Ljubljana

After few months of searching for appropriate place where I will be able to live and also execute my business services of photography, videography and graphic design in Ljubljana, I finally found some suitable apartment and signed a renting contracts on Monday, 23. May 2011 at 18:00 hours. I immediately spent the night there and the next day I visited local administrative unite and changed my primary residential address to Snežniška ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana. So from now on I am living in 2nd floor of old renovated house where in the past the embassy of Belgium once was. In next week or two I will be very busy transporting my things to the new place.

The house is located next to embassy of Italy and right next to several universities, which Faculty for Chemistry and Chemical Technology is the closest, and just a few hundred meters away there is a Philosophic Faculty where I plan to start studying psychology this year. There is a large parking place in the back yard of the Faculty for Chemistry which is closed with sluice bar from about 8:00 to 17:00, and I got an electronic card key in order to access the parking place any time. And my visitors have to enter the one-way road to the parking place at the entrance of Faculty for Chemistry, ring at the sluice and tell the gatekeeper that they are visiting me, so that he then raises the bar and enables entrance. But after 17:00 the sluice is raised, so afternoon visitors have no problem accessing my place.

After registering my new residential address, I wanted also visit my bank, telecommunication provider, and Chamber of Craft and Small Business. Since they were scattered in different locations in the centre of the city, I did not want to use the car, since there is hard and expensive to park. But several days ago I watched the news report where they introduces the new services in the city that is called Bicike(LJ). This is the public bicycle rental service, so I wanted to try it out. This service is arranged in the way where on every 300 to 500 meters there is one of 30 bicycle parking space with the renting terminal and about 15 universal bicycles, electronically locked to the column. There is in total 300 available bicycles and 600 electronic parking places. You can pick the bicycle anywhere and return in to different parking place. In order to rent the bicycle, you have to use the Urbana universal city card with integrated identification chip that you can buy at all kiosks. You then need to find some Urbanomat terminal where you get the identification code and then register it online on Urbana web site.

The final step is registering your account on the Bicikelj web site with your credit card. You rent the bicycle with approaching your Urbana card to Bicikelj terminal at the bicycle parking place where you want to rent a bike, enter your pin code and the umber of column with the bicycle that you want to rent. The bicycle gets unlocked and you are able to ride the city on two wheels. In the front there is a basket where you can put your things, and it is well protected in order not to get you dirty from the chain grease or road dirt when raining. The renting is relatively cheap, compared to how much you have to pay for the car parking, and is free for using bicycle the first hour, then in costs you 1 € for second hour, 2 € for the third hour and 4 € for every additional hour. If the bike gets stolen while you have rented it, your credit card gets charged with the sum of 350 €.

I successfully managed to visit all the places that I had in mind and returned the bicycle to the parking place. The initial registration procedure however took quite a long time, about 2 to 3 hours, since instructions were not so clear, I had to go online several time, and also the terminal where I wanted to rent the bike was under maintenance. But from now on I will be able to rent a bike in matter of seconds. The Bicikelj service is good example of public service that removes the necessity of owning things. It will be cool if also cars could get enabled to rent in the similar way and I heard that in some countries this has been already established. But the best it would be, if renting would be completely free. So how would this be possible?

Well, all resources we get free from the earth and we are the ones who created the money and are accepting the way of how our monetary system is currently based on debt and interest. This artificially creates scarcity, competition, poverty and wars in this world. So if we simply decide to change our social and economic system in that which is best for all, we can distribute the resources, necessities and services among all living beings in this world equally. And Desteni came with functional political agenda that will practical manifest those changes. This solution is called the Equal Money System. So if you are interested in actively supporting the solution that will make this world a better place for all, visit the web site and join the discussion on the forum. Together we can bring heaven to earth!

05 May 2011

2011 - Bulding self-trust

Within communication with other I have been noticing how my self-trust has increased by speaking to others in self-honesty and within principle of what is best for all. I am paying attention to my thoughts and I stop them whenever I notice them, and do not accept any justifications about what they are good for. I focus on my breath, and if thoughts are too strong, I speak out self-forgiveness and massage my physical body in order to ground myself and return to what is here. I keep explaining people how emotional reactions have only destructive consequences in spite of general believe that emotions are important component in our lives. People try to convince me that I am cold, since I do not allow subconscious emotional reactions, instead of they realising that they are the ones who are in fact not able to live here and support all life equally due to theirs mind end emotional possessions that is manifestation of separation from what is actually here.

In the past a lot of subconscious fear emerged due to my allowed and accepted believes that I need to behave nicely and do what others say and disregard the consequences of my actions in the perspective of totality of existence, but now I have started to take more and more self-responsibility for my actions and not allowing myself to do anything that results in harming other living beings that live with me in this reality. I am careful that my actions are not based on my self-interest, but on what is best for all. Being the administrator of the FaceBook group that I created a few weeks ago is a great test for me where I constantly have to be careful not to act from the point of being something more, but to treat others as one and equal and direct them towards self-realisation by introducing them with practical functional tools that Desteni presented, especially the online training, called 'Desteni I Process'.

I experience myself that I am taking more and more control of my conscious mind, but there is still a lot to do. I sometimes experience subtle subconscious and unconscious emotional reactions that manifest as itching on the skin. So I do not fool myself by allowing the believe that I have purified myself totally, since I have in fact hardly begun to scratch the surface of my mind. Ego is great master of self-deception, but I do allow him to posses me anymore. I stop all my self-interest and do onto others as I would like others to do onto me. I stared to give more in order in order to receive more. I plan and invest into projects that are supporting world equality, especially the 'Equal Money System' that will practically manifest heaven on earth. I do all my Desteni I Process assignment, write at least one supportive blog per week and many more blogs and vlogs, in order to support myself in the process of self-realisation more effectively. It is all about self, since self is that creates reality, thus reality will improve with aligning of self with the principle of equality and what is best for all. I stop all energy possessions, I birth myself as life from the psychical and support others as one and equal till eternity.

30 April 2011

2011 - Moving forward, slowly but effectively

For the past four days I felt extremely physically tired. The weather changed and the cold, cloudy and rainy days have started to influence my mood. While in the clear, warm and sunny weather I do not feel like lying in the bed during the day, I had no problems with extended resting and sleeping in past several days. I am living very comfortable life now, at the top apartment of my father's house, I have my own kitchen, separate bathroom and living room with computer, so I practically do not need to leave the apartment in order to work, because it is all related to internet. Since I also have a laptop computer, I sometimes wake up, grab the computer, answer messages and write Desteni I Process blogs without even standing up from the bed. And when I feel like taking a break, I simply close the computer and take a nap. So it can already be noon and I am still in the bed. And this does not mean that I have done no work, it is just that I even do not need to leave my bed in order to do the work.

Of course this kind of life is just temporary, since I will move to Ljubljana as soon as I find appropriate place to live and do my business. And I also plan to stop working alone, as a freelancer, but to employ at least one person. For the past 10 years I have worked alone because I perceived that employing someone would be too much struggle for me due to constant need of providing enough work that would bring sufficient income to pay off the salary to the employees. While living and working alone in my own apartment, I had a very little monthly costs, so I practically did not pay even the minimum salary for myself. If I would employ someone, the minimum salary with all the taxes would be so big that I would have to increase my income for at least 4 times in order to pay the worker.

But now I have different agenda. I have sold my apartment so I have enough money to invest in projects that will make this world permanently a better place for everyone. I have started to follow the words 'Give and you shall receive' and I am investing all my money into changing this system into Equal Money System that will provide equally for all living beings. I am starting a new licensed business of creating and selling Desteni promotional accessories and I expect that this business will return my investment many times in couple of years. Thus I plan to rent a house where there will be enough space to live and do the business and I plan to hire at least one person to assist me with this job. I search for company who will be able to create excellent online shop to sell the products worldwide and I will invite the best graphic designers to contribute their artworks for Desteni merchandising products.

So in the future I will change my focus from jobs where I had to do all the creative and computer relate work, into managing in organising the projects and let other people to do the finalisation of project details. I will also continue to work as and Desteni I Process recruiter that will also bring me large additional income in several years. And I will start writing a book 'What photography will be in an Equal Money System', as Bernard suggested. In order to write this book, I plan to do research and interviews with many people, involved in photography business in order to get the feedback of how photography has been influenced by money in past years and to picture out how it will change when fear of survival will be removed when equality system will be in place. And since I have purchased a professional video camera, as addition to this book, I consider to also produce a full documentary about the photography business. So many projects ahead that will keep me and many other people busy for many years.

Currently I am also testing different approaches of how to introduce as many people as possible with Desteni message and invite them to participate in Desteni I Process. For this purposes I created a FaceBook group 'Praktično ustvarjanje raja na zemlji' (Creating heaven on earth practically), and I invited many people to join the group by posting invitation to their wall. The number of group members started to grow very fast, but then I noticed that some have started to emotionally react to posted Desteni material and left the group. These were mostly older people and the lightworkers, so I learned only to invite younger people in this group, who have not too many pretty pictures in their profiles. And I have wrote a detailed and strict descriptions of the rules of participation in the group in order to be clear what to expect and how to behave in the group. Now only serious people join, and there is no more emotional comments.

In addition to inviting people to the group by sending direct messages and making new friends, I also started to test the effectiveness of FaceBook ads. I created an ad for the group and I cover the costs of advertisement with my credit cart. I choose the ad to be displayed in profiles of people age from 18 to 40 years, who are funs of spiritual and self-realisation books, movies and pages like 'The Secret' and what not. I choose the option of paying per click and selected minimum price of 0,2 € per click and I set the daily budge to 10 €. Now the ad campaign has been running for one week, with average of 100.000 impressions and 70 clicks per day. And the result of this is that about 10 people per day joined the group. So the cost is about 1 € per one new group member which I consider to be very effective investment. So I invite others to also create similar groups and invest in new members in order to attract recruits for the Desteni I Process life coaching program.

24 April 2011

2011 - Silverpoint time share holidays & vacation club

A week ago some man called me on the phone and invited me to come to presentation of Silverpoint holidays program at Vila Bled hotel and they will give me a gift in form of dinner for two persons or something similar if I come. I explained the man that I am not going on holidays very much and that I am now focusing on projects to make myself and this world a better place. The man said that he is also interesting in knowing more about my projects, so I decided to come in order to spread the information about Desteni solutions to practically manifest heaven on earth.

So yesterday I went to Vila Bled which was the residence of the president of the ex Socialistic Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with name Josip Broz - Tito. Firstly some young woman registered me and checked my contact information and then some other young woman escorted me out to the next building with nice panoramic view on Bled lake, island and castle. Then we went to a big room with a lot of small round tables where singles or couples would chat with one of the representatives of the Silverpoint company. And there were a lot of big vertical posters, positioned all around the walls with attractive pictures of the Silverpoint holiday resorts around the world. So also the girl who was assigned to me and me picked one free table, fetched a drink and started the conversation.

She introduced herself, explained that the presentation will take about 90 minutes (in fact it took 3 hours) and that I their offer is valid only for today, so I will have to decide immediately if I want to take it or not. Then she continued by asking me some questions about my holiday habits and filled them by hand in the paper form. When we were done with profiling my vacation preferences, she started to give me details what Silverpoint is about. She showed me a lot of pictures of their resorts and made a financial compartment in order to convince me that their offer is the best in terms of financial savings and also in terms or superior quality of holiday resorts.

The point of Silverpoint is that you decide for a membership by which you become a life-time owner of one of the apartments in one of their resorts. And then you pay each year only a maintenance fee of about 300 €. So you then have the opportunity to go to that resort any time in whole year or rent your place to other people to use it while you are not there. And the best point is that you can exchange your apartment with any other location in Silverpoint network, so you that you are able to go to any Silverpoint resort in the world. The philosophy is to save money by not having to pay for all the fees, advertisements and manipulation costs that travel agencies charge, since Silverpoint actually buys the resorts and thus by owning it the costs of holidays dramatically reduces. They also take care that their resort are top quality, so at least 5 or even 6 stars.

While their female representative was explaining all this things to me, using words like 'beautiful', 'positive energy' and 'nice feelings' I started to explain her that beauty is only the accepted definition and when you define something as 'beautiful', you automatically also define other things as 'ugly' and thus create the separation and inequality in this existence. And in regards to feelings, they are all the energy, created by friction or conflict between reality and your accepted and allowed believes, ideals and definitions in your mind. So why creating the definition of some environment to be 'ugly' and 'exhausting' and then needing to have some 'beautiful holidays' somewhere far away, when you can simply breathe effectively, remain here and accept the current reality the way it is?

The concept of time-sharing locations is great, but why not sharing every single resource in this world equally among all living beings? I explained her that if she is really interested in providing everyone with the best and cheapest holiday experience, she should research and support the Equal Money System. This is a concepts where we would not need to buy propriety and then share it, since there will be no actual ownership anymore. And you will not need to work in exhausting conditions and fight to earn your money, since all your needs will be covered by the system. When her supervisor, that was an English speaking gentlemen, joined our table, I also explained him the Desteni vision of practically creating the heaven on earth, but he would not want to listen or take the my Desteni leaflet, arguing that he is fine with believing in god, doing some small charity and that changing this world is pure illusion.

But what is here impossible to do in this world? Silverpoint proved that when enough people join and support some solution, the quality of life increases and prices drop dramatically. So this is exactly what we are doing at Desteni. We are creating a global network of people who work together for the ultimate 'holidays' that will last from birth to death. We want to "own" the whole world and then we will have the whole planet available to share among each living being equally, so there will be no more scarcity, no more hunger and wars, but peaceful co-existence in perfect harmony. But firstly, the same way as the Silverpoint members, we have to invest in this paradise, and the Desteni I Process is the way to do it. We remove everything what separates us in our minds and then we remove all the laws that separate us from earth resources. So if you want to invest in the 'cheapest and most luxurious life-time holidays', I invite you to join Desteni that will enable the full unlimited expression of life on this world.

30 March 2011

2011 - Walking process alone vs. walking in the group

There are many ways of self-realization in this world. We all experience many things in daily life which assist us at realization how we function and how this world functions. We act and we see the results of our action. The speed of self-realization process depends of how one is dedicated to research the depths of self and world system. Throughout history there have been some people that reached very high level of self-realization and there are also some in the current time period. Each one had different background, unique experiences and environment that enabled him high speed of understanding which action leads to which consequence. But why were there only so little self-realized people, and why were they not able to influence the world in the way to stop the violence and destruction of fellow beings and this planet?

We all know the story of some guy by name Jesus Christ, who brought the suggestion of doing onto other what you would like others to do onto you, of loving your neighbor as thyself, but why is this message still not lived practically in this world? He was not aware of complete design of human mind and what is need to fee yourself from influence of unconscious thoughts, and his message has been used and abused in order for some individuals to gain great wealth and high social position, while totally ignoring the practical living of what Jesus has taught. The whole religious system, with new age spirituality has become nothing but a bunch of beautiful words, nice emotional feelings, expectations of some magical savior and beliefs about perfect life after death. It is basically not supporting the individual to gain self-realization, but offers only promises of enlightenment and ascension, while in facts contributes for individual to become more and more trapped in the mind.

After 10 years of research and experience of world religions and other paths of self-realization, I have not been able to find any group or source of information that would honestly and in detail provide information about why is the world the way it is, how have I become the way I am, and what is the solution for all to live in harmony on this magnificent planet, until one and half year ago, when I met Desteni. It is the collection of information and tools where I have experience the absolute level of honesty and functionality to remove everything that has been eating me from within, and is also contains the solution to fix the world economic system that is driving us towards destruction of living beings and resources. The tools of Desteni have helped me to become more emotional stable and aware of what is really here in every moment of my breath. It also supported me to realize the big picture and how I am equally responsible for everything that is going on in this world. Desteni learned on mistakes of self-realized beings in the past and is making sure to improve the approach in order to guarantee the success.

Ok so you might now say: “Cool, I am happy for you, but I decided to walk my process on my own. The path of self-realization is not important, since eventually we will all get to the finish.” Well, really? All you have is this life, this physical body that will be no more when you die. How do you know with certainty what will happen to you at the time of death? Will you be able to reincarnate and continue with you process of self-realization in your next life? Will you not forget the same way as you did when you were born in this body? So better than guessing is to walk this life with the maximum effect and use the most effective tools. Thus I suggest you to research Desteni and experience the effectiveness of its tools that you will receive throughout the Desteni I Process life-coaching program. And even if you walk your own path and become self-realized, enlightened, what then?

Understand that we are all one and that no one can become self-realized until we are all self-realized. Each of us is a part of existence, and each of us is co-creating this existence. So you will not be able to live here and enjoy yourself until beings will exist that will want to harm you or exploit you. Heaven on earth can be practically manifested only if we support and respect each other equally. So when you become self-realized, you will not be able to bear the view on fellow being who suffer. You will try to help them in order for them also to become self-realized. And this is exactly the reason why Desteni was established. You as individual do not have any significant power to change this world. Only if you connect with people who have the same goal and all walk as one, then there is a chance of success. So of you are serious at changing the world, the best way to do that is to join the group of Destonians, who are people from all over the world who walk as based on the principle of what is best for all, common sense and mathematical equation 1+1=2. Support you self-realization by walking the Desteni I Process and support the peaceful political democratic introduction of Equal Money System that represents the first step of providing dignified life for all living beings on this planet. Join us. Together we can do it!

29 March 2011

2011 - Landmark Education / Forum - a Destonian perspective

In my previous blog I have described how I have been introduced with the information about Landmark Forum, which is a flagship course from Landmark Education global company. While we were waiting for Zeitgeist meeting to start on past Saturday, I noticed one girl at the bar of tea shop and asked her if she is also waiting for the start of the Zeitgeist meeting. She answered that she is preparing herself to give a three hour basic presentation of Landmark Forum to couple of people in the next room. I asked her if she can shortly describe what the course is about and she described it as life coaching program to free yourself from limitations of the mind and to transform and gain control of your life. I told her that I am involved in the course with similar effect and that I would like to know more about Landmark Forum. She offered to give our group a basic presentation in the following days, and I gave her my leaflet with information about Desteni, to check out what Desteni I Process is about and share her perspective about differences between both courses.

Later after Zeitgeist meeting started, one of participants shared that he also passed the Landmark Forum course and that he benefited greatly. I started to read his blog one year ago and firstly had impression that he started blogging as part of Desteni course, but after I commented and shared my perspective about what is emotional energy and the difference between life and energy, he told me to stop commenting, since he writes his blog to express his own opinions and is not interested in Desteni. Now he came to Zeitgeist meeting and was the most influential talker, since he talked all the time and the words were flowing from his mouth fluidly and constantly. He perceived himself as free from the mind, and spoke about how he can go within in the space, where he is able to feel connected with everything, where he can experience oneness.

Yesterday I decided to check the Landmark Forum by myself and found their web site on the internet. I watched the introduction videos and read the description of the course. Video clip of one lecture for example share the story about someone who stumbled upon the group of people who were doing stone work. After he asked some depressed guys what they were doing, they answered: "We are chipping stones". And then he asked some guy who was very cheerful the same question and got the answer: "I am building a cathedral". This was to be an example of how our happiness is not based of what we physically do in this world, but is linked to our ability of seeing the different context of what we are doing. So we are suppose to be able to live happily in every moment simply by changing the definition of what we are doing to fit some acceptable context.

Now one has to understand that there are many ways of becoming successful and happy. Books like The Secret explain some concepts, and the world is full of courses that explain how this world system works and how everyone can earn a lot of money and fulfill its desires by following certain rules. Also the whole new age spiritual movement is based on creating a happy and successful person, together with all religions, gurus, enlightened and ascended masters, angels and love and light message. It is all about building a consciousness where you create yourself a world of bliss and nice feeling as the ultimate goal that one can achieve. The message is that you do not need to care about others, that you are responsible only for yourself and that you only need to enjoy and allow others who suffer enough time for them to eventually come to the same ultimate realization.

However in spite of the cool looks of this types of solutions, they are in fact the ultimate deceptions. None of this paths is able to bring the awareness of how the reality operates and that we are all equally responsible for everything that we accept and allow in every single moment. The mind is a smokescreen where you are able to sell you self-responsibility and receive the energy of good feelings in return. In represent the tool of separation where you are able to live in you separate self-created reality and become the god in your imaginary existence. It gives you the impression of success, while in reality you are destroying your true physical self and this physical world that is the only true and universal reality. This is why in spite of all numerous spiritual teachings and self-empowerment programs, the level of poverty and physical violence is increasing and the whole world is being destroyed with the speed as never before.

I have met a guy recently with son who can in fact see auras. There is much deception about what aura is and most of devices that can read your aura is deception. While spirituality is defining the aura as emanation of life-force energy, is is in fact the emanation of mind-consciousness system. The mind is a trap, and the one with the most intensive aura is in not enlightened and freed, but trapped in the most subtle and invisible jail ever conceived. They have also researched the effect of the Landmark Forum course and concluded that it is the way of programming you in order to stay trapped in the mind for good. You become a better abuser and self-deceiver, receive a big rewards from the world economic system, while at the same time you allow others to have less and less, until they eventually die from hunger.

So I warn you to go away from all kind of self-empowerment programs, that do not care about all the living beings in this world. You will eventually not be able to live with yourself if you allow anyone in existence to have too little, while you have too much. Research the Desteni I Process life coaching program that is the only education in this world that cares about what is best for all. You will find out about actual blueprint of the mind and receive the effective functional tools to discover and remove all the accepted and allowed definitions, believes and ideals that separate us from each other. Desteni is the only organization that came up with the solution to fix also our greedy economic system with suggestion of Equal Money System. So if you are serious about bringing a better world, research the Desteni solutions, stand up for life as one and equal, begin true activism by blogging and vlogging and thus becoming the real change that you have been waiting for.

02 February 2011

2011 - 2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowthe - Lecture video review

I have watched a YouTube video recording of a speech that Shaman Kiesha Crowthe, also known as Little Grandmother, had at Santa Fe Soul in the USA in the beginning of year 2010. The video has been sliced in ten clips, and the links to the video have been published on the wall of Slovenian FaceBook group called "Tribe of Many Colors" which has been created and is moderated by the wife of my friend who we have practiced Taijiquan for many years together.

I like the way of how Native Americans lived, in harmony with nature, and in past ten years of intense research of new age scene, I have also attended several Indian camps and met some Native Americans. There is one woman about 30 years of age, that is having lectures all over the world, and is presenting herself as "the blondest, youngest, whitest wisdom keeper" with Native American roots. And this woman, Kiesha Crowthe, came also to Slovenia and held a lecture just a few kilometers away from my home. I have noticed the invitation to her lecture nearby, but decided to not come and listen her alive, since I have watched some of her YouTube videos and concluded that she is not worth of paying attention to, and I will explain now why, within this review of her lecture in USA.

In her speech, Keisha is inviting us to "remember who we are", and then she claims that "we are god, goddess, creator, the great I am, the strongest of the strong, the love and light and everything that is possible". She explains that something separated us, so we started to "live in our head" instead of "living in our hearths". We are to "stop limiting ourselves, create our word, dream our dreams and stop waiting." Her solution of how to manifest this is to "switch from the head consciousness to hearth consciousness", since "if enouth of us get together and join this hearth consciousness, it will flip".

Then, very hilariously, in spite of she being "the wisdom keeper" and is preaching "to remember who we are", had to picks some paper notes, since she does not remember them. She then explains how the "spiral symbol" has been the symbol, used in drawings of native people all over the world, how there have been many manifestations of spirals with blue light in the sky, and that the light beings, together with their families, that love us so much, are returning to earth. Then she shows the slides of some very old buildings, like pyramids on earth and on the moon, that are suppose to hold the knowledge and "the box with ancient laws for humanity".

She continues with mentioning of Nikola Tesla and Isaac Newton who have discovered how to change the weather and what time and space is, and that we are to follow the new sciences that will improve our health and produce enough energy for entire planet. She predicted the fall of powerful companies and governments, including USA, who is to loose power, and that this will actually be a blessing, since other parts of the world will then own America. Small communities will grow food, the hearth will rule. Money, government and religion will fall and this is suppose to happen without any riots, violence or war, probably by the end of year 2010.

Then she empowers the attendees by telling them "You are right just the way you are", and "If you are hearing something negative, just change the channel" and thus you will automatically change the world. We are to "Stop giving our energy to world problems" and to say each day that "everything is good and beautiful". There will be no savior, no one will save us, and the solution will come simply by following this eight steps:

Step#1: There is a higher knowing than ourselves.
Step#2: History is not the evolution of technology and production. It is the evolution of thought.
Step#3: All things are alive with energy. This energy keeps us alive.
Step#4: Energy exchange with plants.
Step#5: Step fighting to be heard or be in charge. We do not feed off their opinions of ouselves. We fill ourselves with earth energy, breathing it in and giving out energy back to mother earth.
Step#6: What do you stand for? Who do you want to be? Why are you here?
Step#7: Ways of knowing.
Step#8: Do not become addicted to other human beings. This will stop your growth!

So we are to stop taking energy from other people, since all energy necessary is outside. The highest energy is on the top of the mountains and you can fill yourself with life energy from outside. You should pay attention to your dreams, daydreams, and your higher self. If you ask the right questions, the right answers will come.

Now, this woman definitely is adorable and we all admire the native people since they lived in harmony with nature, but let us look at the practicality and common sense of the message that this Little Grandmother is bringing to the world:

While she concluded that "something separated us", that "we are the creators", as the solution to current world problems, she is only telling us to "remember who we are" and to "switch to the hearth consciousness" since when enough people will join, it will miraculously "flip". When you see or hear something negative, you should just "switch the channel". No one will save us, but there are some "light beings" with their families coming anyway, and there is already "technology" that will care for our energy needs and some "knowledge" that will tell us how to live our lives.

The bottom line is, that if you practically apply the principles that she is preaching about, you will be able to "remember who you are" simply by "trying to remember", and that you do not need to do anything to change this world, since it will automatically magically change simply by "ignoring the negative" and "focusing on the positive".

Well, I have been trying to remember, and I still do not "remember who I am". I have been projecting the love and light and focused only on the positive for many years, but the world did not change, it even got worst. So what she is saying does not bring any results and is thus illusion. What she is promoting is ignorance and she is not giving any practically effective tools to change this reality. In year 2010 nothing changed and there have been many riots and wars, and it will compound and increase even more. There is the knowledge and technology but the countries, corporations and the banking system are still powerful and it will not loose the power by itself if we do nothing about it and just "ignoring the negative" and wait for the "spirals in the sky" and some invisible "light beings".

Thus I invite everyone to research Desteni that has the common sensical explanation of how we have created this world, what exactly is what separated us, and specific and effective tools of how we can take responsibility of our creation and change it in the way that it will support all living beings equally. You are invited to join the "Desteni I Process" where you will find out how the mind-consciousness system operates, that produces thought and how if you follow those thoughts, you start to judge the reality and separate it to good/bad, beautiful/ugly, positive/negative and thus produce the energy that you call feelings and emotions. You will find out how to effectively "remember" who you are and becoming aware of your subconscious and unconscious mind by making mind constructs, and how to release all "the negative", by self-forgiving all the accepted and allowed beliefs and definitions that separate us. By applying self-corrective statements, you will align yourself with the principles of oneness and equality and thus support end practically "love" everyone as thyself. There is also an option to participate as the buddy within the "Desteni I Process" and thus earn you income.

The breathing is definitely the effective tool to ground yourself in this physical body, but it should not be used as collector for the "live energy" high up "in the mountains",  but as as the anchor to stay fully present of what is here in this moment, by being aware of your breath constantly wherever you are. You should not seek attention and praise from other people and do things just to be awarded by others and for your personal gain, but "to do what is best for all", or "to do onto another, what you would like others to do onto you", which is practical manifestation of unconditional love.

When you become aware of how we create this reality, and how each one of us is still holding this creation the way it is by our daily participation in the same mind patterns, you understand that it will take significant time in order to change this world. Everyone will have to be re-educated and aligned with the principles of equality and to become born as life from the physical. And since money is currently god and has the power to do anything, we also need to change this "god" that will equally provide for all. Thus Desteni has suggested the Equal Money System that will replace current money system and will take care for basic need of every single living being on this planet. The Equal Money System will be introduced peacefully in democratic political way, and people will vote for it in regards to simple mathematical equation 1 + 1 = 2. This is why I invite everyone that is serious about actively changing this world, to research Desteni and Equal Money System and support yourself and others by participating in the Desteni I Process that will effectively reprogram our reality and redesign it into practical livable heaven on earth.

15 January 2011

2011 - Zeitgeist Moving Forward - Movie review

Today was the world premiere of the third Zeitgeist movie titled "Moving Forward". I reserved the ticket a few weeks ago, since I am in touch and following the activities of the Zeitgeist Movement in Slovenia. The screening took place in several major town in our country, and I went to Kranj, which is closest town to my place. The movie started at 6pm and it was over 2,5 hour long. I went to watch the movie with expectations, like the title suggested, that Zeitgeist had moved forward, made some new steps, so I wanted to see what new solutions would bring the movie in order to manifest the idea of moneyless society and round cities with resource-based economy.

The movie started with some explanation that addictions and violence are not genetically caused, but are the result of social environment. Interviews with several experts were part of the movie in order to underline every conclusion. Then the part of how money is currently created and all the related frauds have been pictured. The atmosphere became more and more intense with the introduction of dramatic music and scenes that predicted mass riots. Then the music changed in touchingly guitar solo and the clips of solution in form of resource based society and sustainable round cities was introduced. This part was so touching that I had to push myself and breathe very deep and fast in order not to cry because of joyful feelings.

There was some part in the movie that pointed equality as the crucial factor in gaining peoples satisfaction and prosperity. Some talk was also in regards to forgiveness and that it should be not used, but I did not understood everything that was said due to very small subtitles. And also feelings and emotions have been mentions, since the lack of money is not the cause of the stress, but the bad feeling because of not having it. However the role of equality point and power of feelings and emotions was not presented as the major factor. And only the physical brain has been presented as origin of human behavior, totally disregarding non-physical dimensions.

The whole planet has been presented purely as the location of human resources, on hand purely for the exploitation of the human kind. There was no mentioning of the rest of the species, like animals and plants, focusing only on the metals and minerals as the building elements for the devices that will bring us pleasure. The robotic automation and computers were praised as the solution to relieve humans from unwanted jobs. The produced goods would be build at highest quality standards to last as long as possible. And the purpose and joy of the humans is suppose to be in creating things.

At the end was the breaking point where pressure compounded and the human crowd and the police force were to face and hit each other. Then some man from the office called the chief of police and then it took of his helmet and dropped it on the floor. And on the side of the civilians, some businessman threw his suitcase full of money in the air so it smashed on the floor, broke open and the money fell on the ground. Then slowly the rest of the crowd followed and they all trashed their bags of money, as they realized that they do not need it anymore, and all became very blissful and joyful.

So this are all the major points of the movie that remained in my memory. I can say that the movie was a great disappointed, since I expected to hear about some new and practical solution about how to fix this world. It was a disgrace that animals and plants have been totally ignored as being, not worth of inclusion in the equality equation. The movie gave the man all the right to exploit the whole planet just for his own pleasure, introducing sustainable economy not from the point of accepting every living being as one and equal, but as the superior and dominant species, worth of ruling this planet. No actions were to be made in order to remove human ego, and the responsibility of individuals for their thought, feelings and emotions was not taken into consideration.

The idea of the introduction of the resource based economy was based on the imagination of human as species coming from outer space to this planet, that was not yet inhabited. We were to look at the whole planet and see the similarity between the ecosystem and the connectedness of the internal organs of human body, thus we were to treat the planet as a whole balanced system. And the idea of ending all problems of this world was based on the spontaneous moment, when we would all collectively miraculously come at the same time to enlightenment and realization that we do not need the money anymore, would get rid of it in a single moment, and then we would live happily ever after.

I saw no actual difference between this movie and the previous ones. The same points were propagated as before, only the script was a bit different, more structured and clear. So Zeitgeist is Moving Forward, by staying on the same spot. No actual practical solutions how to make the transition from current money system to no money system. No deep understanding of how mind-conscious system is enslaving and possessing us by producing thoughts, feelings and emotions, and no realization about how each of us is responsible for everything that we allow and accept and that there is no other solutions but self-forgiveness. Zeitgeist has the vision, but their vision is the continuation of human elitism end technological superiority, without understanding of all the point and dimensions that exist and create this reality.

However I introduced myself to the girl who was a head of the screening and I asked her if there will be any discussion afterward. She told me, that it will take place in two weeks and all the Zeitgeist members from Slovenia that would like to contribute, will be invited. I gave her my contacts and said that I would like to introduce the solutions of Desteni, but I do not know it they will actually want to hear, since I already shared information to some of the members, but they did not express much interest yet. But she told me, that every suggestion is welcome and that she is totally open for anyone who has got some useful idea. So I plan to share Desteni solutions at the group discussion, and maybe I will meet her even before the meeting and explain her my experiences face to face.

  1. I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have a feeling of superiority while introducing Desteni to the girl, chief of screening, instead of realizing that she is equal to me, and that Desteni message needs to be lived by not allowing any energetic possession.

  2. I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become angry and then suppress this feeling while listening to some illusional claims in the Zeitgeist movie and thus manifesting itching on the skin, instead of realizing that I need to stop all judgements, breathe effectively, listen without any emotional reactions and then communicate the solutions that are best for all with complete inner stability as life.