31 March 2013

Finished DIP Lite

For the past couple of months I was not writing my blogs. I decided so since I did not stabilized my financial situation yet and I had to focus. I was afraid that writing blogs would take precious time that I could use by focusing on my projects.

However I was aware of the necessity of continuing of my process of self-realization, thus I decided to try out the new free online course Desteni I Process Lite or DIP Lite for short. I started the course November 16th 2012 and I pushed myself to basically do one lesson per day. I finished the last lesson yesterday, so it takes at least 4.5 months or about 135 days to finish it. I thank my buddy Yogan Barrientos for approving my DIP Lite assignments during the course.

During the course I was supported to develop a habit od daily writing thus today I am happy to say that I restarted writing my blog with the assistance of the daily writing habit that I developed during DIP Lite course. I will now direct myself to do my daily blog writing regularly in order to enforce this very supportive habit. I then plan to continue the Desteni I Process by starting the DIP Pro course.

Past several times was a very turbulent period for me, since I accepted two design web projects for the customers that came out not to be the best match for me. I learned now to importance of creating and signing detailed agreement for every single project in order to avoid misunderstandings. However I am glad that I have put those projects behind so I can now fully focus on my new business.