In the past several weeks I experienced increased resistance to writing. One of the factors for that was my focus on doing business-related activities. Then what limited amount of remaining time in a day was my new commitment to rebuild and expand my English vocabulary by investing at least 1 hour per day doing that. Additionally to that my good friend asked me if I can help him to move. He sold his parent's house and bought a small farm with an old farm building. The new house owners wanted to have it emptied completely by the end the month so I assisted him with loading and transporting all the furniture and the rest of belongings to a new location or to a dump yard. During the time when he was the driver and I sat next to him, we had long talks about how to best educate children since he got a daughter that will soon become 1 year old. And we also talked about many other topics, like politics, since we both share the interest to improve the situation in this world via a peaceful democratic process. So after each day of assisting him, I also needed additional time to physically and mentally compose myself enough to return to my daily routine.

I admired my friend that I assisted to move for his passion and commitment in regards to provide for his child and for his business vision. He invested the money from the sale of the house into a farm and a nearby organic orchard and wants to make a living as a fruit producer since he is also a vegan. Currently, he travels to work in nearby Austria since the salaries there are double comparing to Slovenia. And he arranged to work 10 hours each day so that he works only 4 days per week which allowed him to spend a full day more with his daughter and her mother. However, since he is aware of how crucial it is for parents to be there for their children in the first years after birth, he plans to quit the current job soon and focus fully on his farm and the family.
In regards to raising children in the best way possible, I have a lot of theoretical knowledge about that and I am looking for ways how to benefit others with it. From one perspective I would like to become a father however I do not like all that it takes in the current economic and educational system to deal with everything necessary to practically succeed in that perspective. As a child, I experienced a significant abundance of material things however there was a great lack of emotional stability and equal communication between my parents. I noticed how I have difficulties to move in terms of the business and money generation due to the inherited mind patterns and energetic addictions. So the ideal way for me to become a parent at the current state would be if I would be a stay-at-home dad and my wife would be taking care of the finances.
However, just in case if some girl with a perfect business mind does not magically appear and want to have children with me, I am committed to continuing overcoming my current limitations and maybe even reach a state where I take care for the income and thus more confidently invite some female to create a family with me. So I am consistently pushing myself with doing as much of sales activities as possible and reading books and watching videos about how to become even more effective at sales.