09 January 2012

2012 - Valentin moving forward

I have noticed, how I slowed down in my process of self-realization in the past several months. Some of the reasons was the relationship where my partner was not willing to walk in the process with me equally, and some of the reasons were my occupation with the school and development of Equality Store. I recently dropped the school and ended the unproductive relationship, so I am now pushing myself again towards more effective process.

The major points that made me procrastinate is the question of setting the priorities. We all have limited time and time management is important in achieving desired results. I learned that something like time management is basically not possible since outflow of actual events is the product of many people and variables, so time-framing is not very effective way of executing points. More effective approach is priority management. In stead of slicing available time and assigning certain projects to certain time-frames, it is much better only to define daily priority points and make the time-frames more loose or practically non-existent.

Then in regards to setting priorities, there are priorities in regards to personal life, professional life and global development. There are some personal desires that I want to fulfill, like being in supportive relationship/agreement, there are goals to earn enough money in my line of business and there are priorities in regards to changing this world system so that it will guarantee a dignified life for all humans, animals and plants.

So far I have not been applying time or priority management very extensively. Sure I have been using computer calendar to write down my appointments and meetings, but most of my life happen very spontaneously. I allowed my thoughts and emotions to direct me, to produce new ideas that would drive me in different directions throughout the day. This was in a way exciting, but not very effective in terms of reaching desired goals. Until I had enough money, I lived very relaxed and worked in a very unpredictable ways.

Now, when I see that my money reserves are running out, the fear of survival has started to direct me towards more effective way of life. I learned some managements techniques that I plan to apply in my life and I am continuing with learning even more. What I found out is that writing is indispensable tool for personal and also business effectiveness. The thought that occupied my mind in regards to this point is how much to write and what kind of writing to use? Writing with computer can be faster and one can share the content on the web very easy, but handwriting, especially using white paper and a pen with blue ink is suppose to be the most effective way.

Writing can be done to communicate certain information with others in a business way, but here we use writing as a tool to communicate with self and come to self-realisation. Self-talk is what is also recommended for professional use, one can do it silently, but speaking out loud is even more effective. But since this self-talk does not bring any money, I am thinking about how much time to dedicate to self-talk and self-realisation and how much to more money-making activities. Balancing those two points is crucial for overall success in everyone's life. And decision when to use handwriting and when computer typing is a big question that I will have to deal with constantly.

I prefer typing on my notebook computer since I can do it everywhere and then share the content on my blog and forum. The downsides of working with computer is that requires to be handled in a very careful way, enough power has to be provided, and it is proven that what one types on the computer does not stay in ones memory very long. In order to remember things better, handwriting is the best way to write. A paper notebook does not need any power, it can be much smaller and handy, but handwriting is much more slower. The desire to do things faster is why I procrastinated using paper and pen so far. But I plan to change my habits in order to do things in my life in the most effective way.

It is strange, how I perceived that I would write about other points when I would start to write about the reasons for procrastinating, and now those points seems irrelevant. Like the physical pain of my body due to force of gravity while writing for long time in the same position. Now I see that I am easily able to the position of my body and prevent any pain. And due to past business experiences I developed enough self-trust not to be afraid of not being able to earn enough money. I have been always able to see many potentials so all that was necessary was to move my ass and walk long enough until the effects became a reality.
  1. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to thing that all the points that accumulated in my life are too overwhelming to face and that is best to get involved in money-making actions, instead of realizing that the mind is that makes life overwhelming and that stopping the mind is a priority point in regards to becoming able to live here practically an effectively in every moment.

  2. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think about things, believing that thinking is what will make points clear and that it will bring me to best solution, instead of realizing that thoughts in my mind are there only to distract me from what is here and that thinking always leads only to more thinking and time-looping.

  3. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to wait for myself, believing that other things are more important to do, instead of realizing that my process is the most important thing in my life and that other things will be resolved more effectively if I put the process of self-realisation as the main priority.

  4. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not wanting to write due to constant hurry of moving myself somewhere forward, instead of realizing that life can be lived only in this moment, without any expectations and desires about the future.

  5. The next time I see my mind move, I stop, breathe and start writing until the point is cleared.

07 January 2012

2012 - Occupy student protests and Basic Income Grant

In the afternoon of Friday, 5th January 2012 at 16:30 I attended student meeting at Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of Faculty of Arts. As I understood there is some new law that would compromise the scholarship of foreigns students in ours country so they wanted to prepara a strategy that would prepare an action plan to stop execution of that law. I joined the meeting in order to invite participants to research Desteni solutions that would end laws that are harmful to individuals once and for all. So when the meeting leader asked me about my perspective, I gave some information about Desteni solutions and distributed flyers with additional information to all participants that were about 10 students and one professor. I invited them to also attend the lecture about BIG that will take place in the evening.

Then at 19:30 I attended a lecture about BIG - Basic Income Grant at the Fužine public library. I listened to Valerija Korošec, who has wrote a detailed proposal of BIG implementation to our government, and now this document has been also printed and is available in form of a book under COBISS ID 978-961-260-052-5. She told us about her experiences about struggle to implement BIG in our country. The first time that BIG was suggested in Slovenia was in year 1990 and at that time it would be much easier to implement it than in the present time. Now the situation is far more complicated. She also answered to some common questions and concerns about consequences of BIG implementations, like: "Will anyone still want to work if everyone unconditionally receives about 500 € per month?".

She came with many examples of pilot studies and partial BIG implementation, like in Alaska, Namibia and Brazil. So there is enough money from social welfare and other programs that can be easily replaced with Basic Income Grant and the whole system can be thus simplified and minimum living standards guaranteed for everyone. She explained that current financial crisis is not just a temporary illness of our economy, but a cancer of global economic system and the crisis of values and thus a must before everything breaks apart. At the end of the lecture were Valerija become very emotional, I also gave some information about Equal Money System and distributed flyers with Desteni links to all of about 20 participants. I also gave Valerija my book and two audio CDs with more detailed information about EMS.

It was interesting to hear about how Valerija's suggestion about BIG came usually with reaction that it is something "utopic" and that it can not be made true. She made examples that this kind of statements were also used in the history where equal rights for black slaves and voting right for women were suggested, but they all eventually came true. But when I introduced to Valerija the suggestion of Equal Money System where not only humans will be taken care of, but also animals and plants equally, it seemed "utopic" even for her. So yes, EMS is definitely a big step in human awareness where the man is not defined only as ruler and master of the world but equal and one to all other forms of expression of life. If you want to learn more about ultimate solutions for world equality, visit the Equal Money web site and read the first book about Equal Money System.