Showing posts with label enlightenment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enlightenment. Show all posts

08 April 2011

2011 - How to give an effective support

Within my Deseni process of self-realization, I have been given different kind of support by different people. As part of Desteni I Process life coaching program, one is firstly introduced with basic principles of self-realization like Self-Honestly, Self-Directive Principle, What Is Best For All, Common Sense, mathematical equation 1+1=2, and basic tools like Breathing, Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application. In next stage of Desteni I Process, one is given more advanced tools, like Mind Constructs and Muscle Communication. And as part of the process, one is requested to have a FaceBook profile, blog and YouTube channel using your real name. The process of blogging and vlogging is a very effective self-supportive tool in order to be able to slow down your thoughts, see your mind-patterns, and remove all your accepted and allowed believes, blames, justifications, projections, manipulations and judgements. These are all the information that, when becoming allowed and accepted into you, prevent you from being able to be here and to accept this reality in every moment of your breath, without triggering any subconscious emotions or feelings.

Within the process, we are supporting each other by following each other's blogs, vlogs, social profiles, forum posts and chats. The ones, who are involved in Desteni I Process, we have our buddies, who are responsible for directing us in order to effectively correct ourselves. When necessary, one is also given a specific support in terms of private videos and direct chats from Bernard, and if one comes to visit Desteni farm in South Africa, one is given even stronger and direct support in order to break as many damaging subconscious patterns as possible. But above all, one is expected to as soon as possible to fully become self-directive in terms what is best for all and to become a constant self-support, since eventually one needs to release dependancy on support from others and unconditionally stand as one and equal to all life.

When receiving support in form of others commenting my blogs posts and blogs, I have appreciated some support as valid and very supportive, and I have experienced some support as not valid an not useful at all. Some have started to comment as soon as they started the process and were not familiar with terminology and had not yet reached sufficient level of self-realisation on order to become a valid supporter, and have just tried to fit into Desteni and become accepted. I was one of them, so I then slowed down with commenting and started to focus more on my own process. Then I have also received a support from Destonians who were in process for many years, and perceived themselves as the ones who walk the talk and are unchallenged authority. They have expressed their perspective about how they perceive me and tried to expose me as someone with agendas of self-interest and not valid to be a member of Desteni group.

I have followed the process of those people throughout past year period and have noticed, that they follow their established patterns of communication and that they do not change. These are Destonians who want to be perfect, just, valid, and protectors of Desteni and all what Desteni stands for. They are producing large quantity of blogs and blogs and are active on formus and do extensive commenting. However in spite of what they are writing and saying, with extensive integration of Desteni vocabulary, I have perceived their support as not valid or effective. I see them as extensively integrating Desteni knowledge and information in their minds, but not actually realised it and integrated it into the physical. I see those people as ones who allow themselves to follow someone's process, and then emotionally react on specific words and information that they stumble upon.

These reactions are very subtle, and are related to unconscious mind patterns of wanting to be perfect, self-judgement and wanting to be a part of the group. These people thus make a great effort to present themselves in the group as valid participants by commenting and reporting others to the leaders of the group in order to impress them. They hold onto very highs standards of self-perfection and are thus very judgmental towards others. Their support is thus from an unconscious starting point of blame and criticism, without they realising this fact for themselves. They perceive their support as valid, and became in time very impatient and angry due to perception that one that they have given the support to does not want to change, instead of realising that they themselves are the one who need to change.

One needs to realise, that you are not able to see one who he really is as totality without firstly totally realising yourself. While you are in the process, you can only perceive others from the perspective of your current level of self-realisation. Thus, those that claim themselves to see others as what they really are, while they are still waking the process, is a clear self-deception. You can try to see others, but in the moment when you try to judge others and claim righteousness, you have in fact fallen. From the perspective of totality of existence, the truth is that no one is completely realised until every single being in existence has become self-realised, and this is what in fact means that we are all equal end one.

So if you want to give the support to others in order to speed-up their process of self-realisation, you have to firstly become one and equal with that person and give support as you would like to receive it if you were in that person's shoes. That means that you have to grasp this person as totality of what he has accepted and became and give the support in a way that he will be capable of accepting and integrating it and to functionally increase his level of self-realisation. So understand that if you give support to someone and this person did not change, this is in fact the indicator that you support was not valid, that you have not became one and equal with this person before giving him the support, that you have supported him from starting point of being someone more, using only knowledge and information, thus you need to take you responsibility, forgive and correct yourself.

This goes for all that have been in the Desteni process for many years, including the ones who have established themselves as leaders. So it is a great art to support others effectively and not allowing yourself and kind of subtle projected impatience, blame or judgement. So let the level of change at people who you have supported to be the indicator of the effectiveness of your support. Do not try to project your failure onto others, but correct your approach and walk the process with others as one and equal.

30 March 2011

2011 - Walking process alone vs. walking in the group

There are many ways of self-realization in this world. We all experience many things in daily life which assist us at realization how we function and how this world functions. We act and we see the results of our action. The speed of self-realization process depends of how one is dedicated to research the depths of self and world system. Throughout history there have been some people that reached very high level of self-realization and there are also some in the current time period. Each one had different background, unique experiences and environment that enabled him high speed of understanding which action leads to which consequence. But why were there only so little self-realized people, and why were they not able to influence the world in the way to stop the violence and destruction of fellow beings and this planet?

We all know the story of some guy by name Jesus Christ, who brought the suggestion of doing onto other what you would like others to do onto you, of loving your neighbor as thyself, but why is this message still not lived practically in this world? He was not aware of complete design of human mind and what is need to fee yourself from influence of unconscious thoughts, and his message has been used and abused in order for some individuals to gain great wealth and high social position, while totally ignoring the practical living of what Jesus has taught. The whole religious system, with new age spirituality has become nothing but a bunch of beautiful words, nice emotional feelings, expectations of some magical savior and beliefs about perfect life after death. It is basically not supporting the individual to gain self-realization, but offers only promises of enlightenment and ascension, while in facts contributes for individual to become more and more trapped in the mind.

After 10 years of research and experience of world religions and other paths of self-realization, I have not been able to find any group or source of information that would honestly and in detail provide information about why is the world the way it is, how have I become the way I am, and what is the solution for all to live in harmony on this magnificent planet, until one and half year ago, when I met Desteni. It is the collection of information and tools where I have experience the absolute level of honesty and functionality to remove everything that has been eating me from within, and is also contains the solution to fix the world economic system that is driving us towards destruction of living beings and resources. The tools of Desteni have helped me to become more emotional stable and aware of what is really here in every moment of my breath. It also supported me to realize the big picture and how I am equally responsible for everything that is going on in this world. Desteni learned on mistakes of self-realized beings in the past and is making sure to improve the approach in order to guarantee the success.

Ok so you might now say: “Cool, I am happy for you, but I decided to walk my process on my own. The path of self-realization is not important, since eventually we will all get to the finish.” Well, really? All you have is this life, this physical body that will be no more when you die. How do you know with certainty what will happen to you at the time of death? Will you be able to reincarnate and continue with you process of self-realization in your next life? Will you not forget the same way as you did when you were born in this body? So better than guessing is to walk this life with the maximum effect and use the most effective tools. Thus I suggest you to research Desteni and experience the effectiveness of its tools that you will receive throughout the Desteni I Process life-coaching program. And even if you walk your own path and become self-realized, enlightened, what then?

Understand that we are all one and that no one can become self-realized until we are all self-realized. Each of us is a part of existence, and each of us is co-creating this existence. So you will not be able to live here and enjoy yourself until beings will exist that will want to harm you or exploit you. Heaven on earth can be practically manifested only if we support and respect each other equally. So when you become self-realized, you will not be able to bear the view on fellow being who suffer. You will try to help them in order for them also to become self-realized. And this is exactly the reason why Desteni was established. You as individual do not have any significant power to change this world. Only if you connect with people who have the same goal and all walk as one, then there is a chance of success. So of you are serious at changing the world, the best way to do that is to join the group of Destonians, who are people from all over the world who walk as based on the principle of what is best for all, common sense and mathematical equation 1+1=2. Support you self-realization by walking the Desteni I Process and support the peaceful political democratic introduction of Equal Money System that represents the first step of providing dignified life for all living beings on this planet. Join us. Together we can do it!

29 March 2011

2011 - Landmark Education / Forum - a Destonian perspective

In my previous blog I have described how I have been introduced with the information about Landmark Forum, which is a flagship course from Landmark Education global company. While we were waiting for Zeitgeist meeting to start on past Saturday, I noticed one girl at the bar of tea shop and asked her if she is also waiting for the start of the Zeitgeist meeting. She answered that she is preparing herself to give a three hour basic presentation of Landmark Forum to couple of people in the next room. I asked her if she can shortly describe what the course is about and she described it as life coaching program to free yourself from limitations of the mind and to transform and gain control of your life. I told her that I am involved in the course with similar effect and that I would like to know more about Landmark Forum. She offered to give our group a basic presentation in the following days, and I gave her my leaflet with information about Desteni, to check out what Desteni I Process is about and share her perspective about differences between both courses.

Later after Zeitgeist meeting started, one of participants shared that he also passed the Landmark Forum course and that he benefited greatly. I started to read his blog one year ago and firstly had impression that he started blogging as part of Desteni course, but after I commented and shared my perspective about what is emotional energy and the difference between life and energy, he told me to stop commenting, since he writes his blog to express his own opinions and is not interested in Desteni. Now he came to Zeitgeist meeting and was the most influential talker, since he talked all the time and the words were flowing from his mouth fluidly and constantly. He perceived himself as free from the mind, and spoke about how he can go within in the space, where he is able to feel connected with everything, where he can experience oneness.

Yesterday I decided to check the Landmark Forum by myself and found their web site on the internet. I watched the introduction videos and read the description of the course. Video clip of one lecture for example share the story about someone who stumbled upon the group of people who were doing stone work. After he asked some depressed guys what they were doing, they answered: "We are chipping stones". And then he asked some guy who was very cheerful the same question and got the answer: "I am building a cathedral". This was to be an example of how our happiness is not based of what we physically do in this world, but is linked to our ability of seeing the different context of what we are doing. So we are suppose to be able to live happily in every moment simply by changing the definition of what we are doing to fit some acceptable context.

Now one has to understand that there are many ways of becoming successful and happy. Books like The Secret explain some concepts, and the world is full of courses that explain how this world system works and how everyone can earn a lot of money and fulfill its desires by following certain rules. Also the whole new age spiritual movement is based on creating a happy and successful person, together with all religions, gurus, enlightened and ascended masters, angels and love and light message. It is all about building a consciousness where you create yourself a world of bliss and nice feeling as the ultimate goal that one can achieve. The message is that you do not need to care about others, that you are responsible only for yourself and that you only need to enjoy and allow others who suffer enough time for them to eventually come to the same ultimate realization.

However in spite of the cool looks of this types of solutions, they are in fact the ultimate deceptions. None of this paths is able to bring the awareness of how the reality operates and that we are all equally responsible for everything that we accept and allow in every single moment. The mind is a smokescreen where you are able to sell you self-responsibility and receive the energy of good feelings in return. In represent the tool of separation where you are able to live in you separate self-created reality and become the god in your imaginary existence. It gives you the impression of success, while in reality you are destroying your true physical self and this physical world that is the only true and universal reality. This is why in spite of all numerous spiritual teachings and self-empowerment programs, the level of poverty and physical violence is increasing and the whole world is being destroyed with the speed as never before.

I have met a guy recently with son who can in fact see auras. There is much deception about what aura is and most of devices that can read your aura is deception. While spirituality is defining the aura as emanation of life-force energy, is is in fact the emanation of mind-consciousness system. The mind is a trap, and the one with the most intensive aura is in not enlightened and freed, but trapped in the most subtle and invisible jail ever conceived. They have also researched the effect of the Landmark Forum course and concluded that it is the way of programming you in order to stay trapped in the mind for good. You become a better abuser and self-deceiver, receive a big rewards from the world economic system, while at the same time you allow others to have less and less, until they eventually die from hunger.

So I warn you to go away from all kind of self-empowerment programs, that do not care about all the living beings in this world. You will eventually not be able to live with yourself if you allow anyone in existence to have too little, while you have too much. Research the Desteni I Process life coaching program that is the only education in this world that cares about what is best for all. You will find out about actual blueprint of the mind and receive the effective functional tools to discover and remove all the accepted and allowed definitions, believes and ideals that separate us from each other. Desteni is the only organization that came up with the solution to fix also our greedy economic system with suggestion of Equal Money System. So if you are serious about bringing a better world, research the Desteni solutions, stand up for life as one and equal, begin true activism by blogging and vlogging and thus becoming the real change that you have been waiting for.