31 March 2013

Finished DIP Lite

For the past couple of months I was not writing my blogs. I decided so since I did not stabilized my financial situation yet and I had to focus. I was afraid that writing blogs would take precious time that I could use by focusing on my projects.

However I was aware of the necessity of continuing of my process of self-realization, thus I decided to try out the new free online course Desteni I Process Lite or DIP Lite for short. I started the course November 16th 2012 and I pushed myself to basically do one lesson per day. I finished the last lesson yesterday, so it takes at least 4.5 months or about 135 days to finish it. I thank my buddy Yogan Barrientos for approving my DIP Lite assignments during the course.

During the course I was supported to develop a habit od daily writing thus today I am happy to say that I restarted writing my blog with the assistance of the daily writing habit that I developed during DIP Lite course. I will now direct myself to do my daily blog writing regularly in order to enforce this very supportive habit. I then plan to continue the Desteni I Process by starting the DIP Pro course.

Past several times was a very turbulent period for me, since I accepted two design web projects for the customers that came out not to be the best match for me. I learned now to importance of creating and signing detailed agreement for every single project in order to avoid misunderstandings. However I am glad that I have put those projects behind so I can now fully focus on my new business.

13 October 2012

Life After GIN reply

This is a publicly published copy of my reply to forwarded e-mail announcement that FTC is about to arrest Kevin Trudeau and that also GIN club that I am member of will consequently cease:

Dear fellow Destonians,

after reading all the linked legal papers of the FTC, listening to all the audio recordings of past lectures that Dr. Leonard Coldwell had for the GIN members that are available for the GIN Level 1 members, reading Kevin Trudeau's books "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" and "The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About" and many of articles an the web, accusing Kevin Trudeau of different illegal actions and frauds, meeting and listening Kevin Trudeau live in Germany last year and in Chicago and Nice this year, and going through all the GIN affiliate training material, a can conclude that:

1. Kevin Trudeau has been raised in a very poor family, some times not having enough even to buy the food and that fired up Kevin to create for him a life where he will not have to suffer and live in scarcity anymore. As a child he was diagnosed with learning disabilities and suggested to select mathematics as profession or some other job, like forester, since he was suppose to have no ability to communicate and work with other people. He proved them wrong by overcoming his deficits and becoming a very successful salesman and communicator. In certain period his passion for making money drove him over the edge and he spent almost 2 years in prison. However he learned the lesson and that made him a better person. He started to pick the occupations where he would be able to develop himself but also to benefit the society as much as possible. This is why he joined the American Mega Memory Institute and later worked as the most effective salesman of the homeopathic remedies in an MLM company. After becoming very wealthy, he started to diversify his business and that created even more wealth for him. However now Kevin has realized that we are all in this together and that none are free until all are free. And GIN is the manifestation of this realization.

2. The Global Information Network was created with intention to make this world a better place for all by creating a global community of responsible people who would represent an opposing force, big enough to stop the corrupt elite that wants to enslave all the mankind purely for their self-interest. GIN provides almost identical support system that elite secret societies had for their members, however with much lower entry requirements and thus enabling almost anyone to join. However the club is not for everyone; the full age, understanding of English language and sufficient financial success is required in order to become member. However every member can engage in optional MLM affiliate program and earn at least the initiation fee and monthly membership dues back. For me, over 10.000 hours of audios, videos and books on how to become emotionally stable, build a harmonious relationships, become a responsible businessman, cure yourself of every disease, time and money management principles and all the networking and friendship creating opportunities are more than worth of membership dues. However some pople had unrealistic expectations, left the club and became GIN hate speakers. And we all have experienced how and why this things happen.

3. Dr. Leonard Coldwell has its own health clinic in Germany and is treating cancer patients with virtual 100% success in comparison with conventional medicine with only 3% of success. What fired him up was the case where doctors almost killed his mother that had cancer with radiation and chemotherapy thus he decided to take situation in his hands. Dr. C as he is also called, was until recent a very respectful speaker in GIN and he was payed a high speaking fees. However he is not any more a GIN speaker nor member or affiliate and a have suspected that it would come to this point some day. This is because I have heard some audio recordings of Dr. C in the GIN online library where he admits having agreement with GIN for not advertising his own products directly in his speeches for the GIN members, however he deliberately broke that agreement. From how I perceive him, he is very high tempered and wants to push things his own way thus this renders him incapable of collaborating in GIN as a group and respecting agreements.

4. Federal Trade Comission or FTC as well as Food and Drug Administration or FDA have been exposed in Kevin's books as puppets in the hands of large corporations and are utmost corrupt. Basically all legal system is tailored to fit the profit interests of big business, especially big pharma and food producing multinational corporations. They are systemically destroying the legal system and small businesses and dumbing down and enslaving the nations. It is a big challenge to find an effective way about how to stop or even reverse this process. One approach is Desteni and the other is Global Information Network. Both have upsides and downside, both fit differed kid of people and both have challenges, but both have the same goal or starting point. Kevin has in his late GIN audio explained that he is aware of the legal and also illegal attempts to disable him, since he is a very influential whistle blower on government corruption, however he is convinced that the GIN global movement will continue also without him, since the truth eventually prevails every single time.

So we are all in this together, we pick the ways that best suits our needs for the lessons in order to gain as much realization and became effective in living here with all our needs covered. Basically all of us need to become a responsible co-creator in this world with full awareness of the consequences of our every single action on all the creation. Personally I fully support and advertise Desteni agenda of world equality and Equal Money System, however I am temporary focused on GIN in order to get the complete picture about what it is about and what one can benefit from it. Transformation of self and global system is definitely necessary in order for all to be able to live here as one and equals with all the needs covered and full self-expression protected. Collaboration of us all is required in order to achieve this goal as soon as possible. This is possible only with taking self-responsibility for all our thoughts and emotions and effectively directing ourselves based on the principle of what is best for all.

Valentin Rozman

PS: Since GIN is creation of 30 people, Kevin being just one of tem, selected to be a frontman of the GIN, he himself expects that GIN will continue existing also if something happens to him. A lot of effort was made in many years of preparation and computer simulation prior to GIN launch in order to make sure that GIN will be a stable club and totally aligned with the legal system in every country in the world. Every organization can collapse any time, and it is up to every member to act as a glue and hold the organization firm and strong or spread speculations and thus create fear that will lead so separation and destruction. It is our thoughts and action that create the future.

PS2: I just listened to the GIN Member Weekly Audio where Kevin explained that since the court does not want to consider any objection from his side regarding his court case anymore, he decided to pay fine of 33 million dollars thus there is no reason for him being arrested. The club by his words stands firm and will continue to develop as planned.

18 June 2012

2012 Improving communication and understanding

Miscommunication is a big problem in this word, especially since there are so many languages out there. But even when two people speak the same language there are still many occasions when they can not understand each other. Even when we thing that we understand other person, this could in fact not be true.

If we want to understand the cause off all this, we need to go back in our childhood to the moment when we were born. We could go even more back in time, since the baby starts to hear sounds even when still being in the mothers womb. So from very early period of embryo development, we start to build associations and give meaning to physical feelings, sounds and pictures.

Artwork by Matti Freeman

This is the way the consciousness and our personality is being created. However since we have different experiences, we build different associations to the same objects, sounds and pictures and this is where points of separation are being created. For example two people can have different understanding of the same word and also different emotional reactions associated to this word.

The biggest problem among this are emotional reactions, attached to certain sounds and pictures. If we allow ourselves to emotionally react, the energy takes over control of our physical body and we are unable to stay here and direct ourselves as we want to. Thus self-forgiveness of any associated believes, ideals or any other perceptions is the primary suggested step to make in order to start living here as one with all life.

The next step is vocabulary purification or unification. If we do not have the same definitions that is meanings associated to the sounds and pictures, we are unable to communicate effectively. If we look at other living beings, like animals, we can see, that they are able to understand each other more clearly than humans are able to understand each other. This is definitely worth of consideration.

Improving communication is definitely a challenge that can be solved with different solutions. One could be development of a brand new spoken language that would be used all over the world. Some attempts like Esperanto has been made, but it is not the most effective way of understanding each other. Also a non-verbal way of communication is an option, like it is currently used by people with hearing and speaking disabilities.

However until we unite as one nation, as citizens of planet Earth and all speak the same language, we can start improving communication by removing our mind reactive behavior and focus attention on what the other person is in fact trying to communicate instead of allowing our mind to distract us by backchat and emotional reactions. Also when attempting to communicate a careful selection of world and precise description of the subject is very important in order for message to be delivered as intended.

So when starting communication it is important to breathe, slow down the mind, speak clearly and take time to bring proper message to other person. And when receiving the message it is important not to react on every single word, based on our vocabulary definition, but to firstly check an double check using questions to come to clear confirmation that what your perception of received communication is aligned with what other person actually wanted to communicate.
  1. I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to speaking fast in order to save time and thus compromise the quality of communication with other people instead of realizing that it is not quantity of information that counts but the amount of clearly transmited pieces of information.

  2. I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to hear or read the words spoken or written by other people and immediately reacting based on my own perception of what the other person is saying instead of firstly making sure that my understanding what other person was communicating is correct.

  3. I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to immediately to react to all messages that I defined as love & light deception by posting Desteni material as comments and replies instead of taking time to understand the perpective and understanding of the person that posted the message and directing the communication as one and equal with other person until mutual understanding of all facts is achieved.

  4. I commit myself to slow down and take all the necessary time and detailed vocabulary while communicating with others in order to effectively expose all points of separation, illusion and deception until we become able to understand each other clearly and realize the necessity of supporting all life here equally.

06 May 2012

2012 Spirituality Exposed - Ignorance and apathy of Zen and Tao

The other day some guy came to visit me in order for us to know each other better. We shared our life story and our future plans. What surprised me was his decision to go on a sailboat and sail around a world in couple of weeks. This decision was based on his understanding that life is very simple and that you can life a fulfilling and joyful life if you reduce your personal needs on the minimum and not to possess a lot of things. He was inspired by his past spiritual experiences like Zen and Tao and he learned to a modest life to be the key to happiness.

Artwork by Ann Van den Broeck

Well, I also have a lot of colorful spiritual experiences. Zen, Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and many other religions and spiritual paths was also what I studied in depth. There was I moment in my life when I was obsessive Hare Krishna fanatic, dressed myself in sheets and preached the high knowledge of Vedas from door to door with my lap full of precious books. I was prepared to sell all my propriety and live in the temple to live as servant to my lord Krishna and other living beings. From my perspective I knew what life is, what is purpose of life and what is my mission in this life.

I felt safe in Hare Krishna society, there was food, lectures, prayers, dancing, mixing, having fun and feeling good. I started to watch people who were out there in the matrix as lost and delusional and in great need of help from our side in order to save them from their ignorance. However I slowly started to realize that even Hare Krishna society needed the source of income. We had to sold books and charge fees for events and then the society also opened a Govinda's franchise restaurant. So religions are not much different from any other business since money is the essential means of exchange and without money there is no god that can keep you alive in current world system.

Of course one can then decide for a path of a loner, find some place in this world when governments allow individuals to pick a part of land and live there in separation. But even this can not last very long. Ruling elite can swap, change laws and they drive you away from the land. In this word, anyone can use the system to raise himself up to the top power position and use money to do whatever they want, even kill millions of people for the protection of their self-interest. So becoming a loner is not the highest and best way of living that can be applied to any single person, only for those who were born in elite part of the world, who know how the system functions and who know how to get from the system whatever and whenever they need.

But this kind of attitude is not the highest realization and certainly not the final point of self-development that one can achieve. It is only a celebration of your ego and your individuality by totally ignoring other individuals and leaving them with their own problems. Even further, individuality and self-interest is the cause of all suffering in this world since we ignore the needs of other and advertise only the free will and free enterprise and thus leaving also a space for the freedom of abuse. The free will and free enterprise means also a freedom to do whatever you want without consequence and without any limitation. However since we live in limited physical reality on one planet where billions of other beings live, you always influence others with your own actions.

Thus the highest realization is that if you want to properly be taken care of, you have to consider also other fellow beings. Eventually a new system will have to be implemented that takes care for each individual and prevents any person who want to practice his free choice by deliberately hurting others. This system is already being developed and is called an Equal Money System. It is a practical functional peaceful political program that will change the world laws so that a dignified life for all humans, plants and animals will be guaranteed from life to death. Join the EMS forum and participate if you also want to support practical oneness and equality.

14 April 2012

2012 Slowing down and taking self-responsibility

The prominent point in my life is being restless, inpatient, doing things in a hurry, walking and talking fast and signing documents with ineligible scribble. I see there is so much things to do in my limited life time, and there are also monthly expenses that I need to cover so I have to also do many things to earn money. I want to do many things, express myself, enjoy life but I constantly estimate if or how much certain activity will bring me money. Thus I want to fully make use of available time to do as many things possible.

I give impression to others that I am a calm, peaceful guy, however there is fire within me that burns and wants to move fast. It is these mind patterns, accepted and allowed believes of perfection that make me restless inside. I notice that when I observe things, read books, watch movies and talk to other people, many subtle instant energies of anger are produced inside me that I feel as irritation on my skin. I feel it even now when I am writing this. And this is certainly not something that I want to experience in the future.

Within my desire to help and assist other people in also becoming a more stable and responsible human beings, I have noticed, that I am sometimes not very successful due to my impatience. I want them to realize the point quick and I do not make enough effort to assist them in a proper way. I wonder if it is worth of investing my time in explaining or is it best to leave them alone in order to other life experiences to give them proper lessons. I am asking myself how extensive should my support be in order not to become too occupied with assisting people and thus running out of time for properly supporting myself.

I learned recently how importnat is to write, especially in handwriting since this helps in exposing your secret mind and facing all your thoughts that run in our minds fast, too fast for understanding what is their role in our lives. What is also important is to live here practically in this system which means being careful of how you handle money. Until now I was not following very much my money flow, meaning income and outcome. When I had money, I would spend it, when I would not have it, I would do something to earn it. My application was not very contant and I was occasionally surprised when I did not have enough money to cover my expenses.

Next time I talk to people, I listen to them as one and equal and do not allow any emotions of anger. I note carefully every single income and outcome in my personal and professional life so am 100% on track about how money flows in and out. When I notice some energetic reaction within me, I stop, breathe and forgive all the points of polarity with writing or speaking our self-forgiveness out loud.

07 April 2012

2012 Spirituality Under a Microscope - Sexual Exploitive Healers

In this blog post a part of Desteni campaign where we expose all sorts of spiritual and new age deceptions and abuse. From within 15 years of my spiritual research I am going to focus here on one experience where a Reiki healer tried to exploit me sexually.

Around year 2000 I noticed some rush on my skin. I went to my personal doctor and she prescribed me some ointment. After applying this medicine on the skin for several months nothing changed, so I started to research alternative medicine. The first book that I found was about Reiki energetic healing. From what I found in the book this healing technique was working miracles, so I decided to give it a try. After I finished reading the book, I asked in the public library if they knew any Reiki healer around. They told me that someone was doing this way of healing but they do not know if he is doing it anymore, but they gave me his contacts anyway in order for me to check it out.

I called this guy on the telephone and it was a man around 50 years old. He told me that he is still giving Reiki so we made an appointment at his place. I went there the next day and we invited me in his living room. After me describing him my problems and asking him if Reiki would help, he said that it definitely will and that it is worth a try. I asked him how to proceed and he told me to lie down on his sofa on the back. I gave him all my trust and he started to lay his hands on my body in order for Reiki energy to flow from his hands into my body and heal the problem. After few minutes he told me, that Reiki energy would flow much more easily if I am naked and he asked me if would be comfortable being naked. I said that I am used to take a sun bath at the sea naked and that I am not ashamed if somebody sees me naked.

Thus I removed all my clothes and lied back down on the sofa. I closed my eyes and allowed him to continue with laying his hands all over my body. Since the rush on my skin was around genital region, he asked me if he may lie down his hands on the rush. I allowed and he proceed. Soon he started to lie his hands also on my penis and he explained to me that it is fully ok if I get aroused which I soon did. Then I started to feel some unusual feeling on my penis. With my eyes closed I figured out that my penis was in his mouth so I told him: "Hey, this is not a Reiki healing anymore!" I opened my eyes, he approached my head and asked me if he may kiss me. I refused and told him that I am not interested in any gay sexual activities.

I put my clothes back on and then we had a talk. He admitted that he is using Reiki healing for the purpose of finding out gay sexual partners and he asked me for understanding and forgiveness and if I can keep this event for myself. I was a bit shocked and disappointed since I never thought of something like this could ever happen to me and I was also ashamed if others would find out what happened to me. However I promised him that I will not expose his identity in regards to this event to anyone. In next years some other female friends also shared with me how other healers tried to sexually exploit them so it seems that this kind of abuse is quite a frequent event.

Besides Reiki I tried out also other healers with different techniques, from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Natural Oil therapy, Taijiquan, Tantra, Meditation, Vegetarianism, Angelic healing and all have promised me quite fast definite removal of my health problems, but none had any significant effect. I found out that the cause for my problems are rooted deep into my unconscious mind patterns and that only with patient and dedicated self-honesty, I would be able to become aware and forgive myself all the points of separation and polarity that I accepted and allowed in my life. True healing starts with self-responsibility and equality. There is no fast escapes so let us all start now in order to get this done as soon as possible.

31 March 2012

2012 Recent experiences of extreme pain in regards to my father and borrowed money

A week ago I also went to visit my father in order to talk about the money that I lent him about a year ago. Hi promised that he will return it to me by the end of past year which did not happened. In January this year I asked him how come that he let me down and where the money went to. He answered that he needed the money in order to buy the material for his handicraft business in order to prepare for this year's tourist season. He is already retired, but still active in mediaeval reenactment and history of print.

I was not fun of hearing that he invested my money is his own business instead of returning me the money as he promised in order for me to support development of my own business. So a week ago I visited him again with intention to check out the current financial status. He said that he expects to return all my money by the end of August this year, which I found unacceptable. I need money now and I have already started to sell my video and photography equipment in order to get the money.

I learned that basically everyone owns a lot of staff that it can be sold and thus converted to cash, and I also decided to sell some stuff that I do not need at this moment in order to cover my monthly expenses. My father own a wan, a motorhome, an apartment, a workshop and many of machines, devices, computers, old books and many more things. So I explained him that from what I see he could easily sell some stuff and get the money, so the excuses that he can not return my money is not real.

In fact I explained him that since he did not return my money, I had to sell my almost new video and photo equipment for at least with 30% of discount, thus I am loosing money since he does not return money that I lent him. I started to blame him for my money loss which in a way is true. However there is also many things that I could done different in order to protect my interest. I simply trusted him that he will return the money so we did not put it in writing and agreed about the details of what would be the consequences of he not returning me the money.

The next day something happened that I then defined to be as manifested consequence of the backchat in regards to this point. In the morning when I got out of my bed, I experienced I slight pain in my back. I had an appointment that day with some potential business partner, but the pain was not strong enough for me cancel the appointment. So I packed my heavy bag with the products samples and drove half un hour away to the house of that person. We sat down in her dining room and started a conversation. After about an hour of sitting, I got up and it that moment I experience immense pain in my back.

The pain was so strong that I could hardly breathe and I would rather die in that moment. It manifested not in the middle of vertical line in my back, but a few centimeters to my right, stretching about three decimeters from the level of my shoulder blade. I asked the person that I have been visiting to assist me with massage which she did. Then I asked her if I may lay down on her bed and she allowed. But it took half un hour for me to managed to lie down on the bed since initial attempts failed due to immense pain when trying to change the posture of my body. But finally I managed to lie down on my belly and rested.

After few hours of lying and being assisted with hot-water bottle on the pain area and additional massages, the pain decreased to the level where I would be able to stand up and go back home. Now, after one week I still feel a slight pain in that area so it diminishes very slowly. It was unusual experience, not the back pain that I experienced in the past, but as the vertical muscle at right side of my spine would be in cramp. I am not completely sure if the pain is connected to the point in regards to my father and money but this could explain the reason.

And yesterday another pain appeared in a very unusual place. In the evening I started to experience a pain on the inner side of my left left leg, a few centimeters above the ankle. At that time I had new pair of socks on and when I pulled the socks down, I noticed the dent on my skin around my leg from the elastic top of the socks. I started to wonder if the socks pressure was to strong and thus resulted in the swelling, but I am not sure. There was no visible change on the surface of the skin, but the area in size of an apple hurt if I would press it with my fingers.

I don't remember hitting my leg in that area that day and I see no great possibility for something to sting me in that spot so the cause for the pain still buffles me a lot. Today the area is still swollen and the minor portion of the skin is red. Could I have hit myself somehow and then forget this event? Strange things happen and make me wonder what to do in order to avoid any further pain and how to walk the process of self-realization in order be as effective as possible. I have a limited time and it is hard for me which way to move and how much time to invest in any activity in order to support myself financially and to be successful in terms of walking my process.

  1. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the feeling of anger and resentment towards my father for not returning my money instead of having the conversation based on facts and current situation and directing the point toward solution that would be best for both parties without allowing myself to create any energetic reaction.

  2. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to simply trust any person that everything that will turn out just fine, creating just a basic verbal agreement and thus allowing the possibility of misunderstanding and forgetting points, instead of taking time to specify all the details of agreement and putting in in writing so both parties have clear overview of what is expected and what will be the consequences if the agreement is not fulfilled.

  3. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing to blame my father for causing the loss of my money since I decided to sold my video and photo equipment for much lesser price that I purchased it recently, instead of realizing that the decision of selling the equipment is solely my responsibility and has nothing to do with anyone else.

  4. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself not to properly record and manage the money incomes and outcomes in my personal life, not knowing knowing how much money I have and thus spending more than I can afford, instead of making sure that this point is clear so I can better plan my investments and ensure that I will not go into debt.